~Home Sweet Home~

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It felt like forever by the time you got to your room, I mean climbing nearly 4 flights of stairs would do that to someone right? Well it seemed like it didn't faze Izzy for she didn't look winded at all as she unlocked and swung open the bedroom door.

"Welcome! to your lovely abode!" She cheered flinging her arm out only for it to come undone and land on the floor

Your eyes widened at the sight but it seemed that Izzy didn't even notice "Uh Miss Izzy? Your arm..."

She looked at you confused then at the floor and jumped with shock "Fuck! Not again!" She growled grabbing the arm and simply just popping it back on

"Anyway! this is your room you can change it as you please. Take out the floorboards, replace the wallpaper hell go all hog wild on it!"

The room was so big and it looked very nice but it seemed to have a spooky theme to it and you chuckled looking back at Izzy "Doing the ol' spooky theme cause were in Transylvania hu?"

Izzy tilted her head in confusion "What?" she asked seriously

You got silent as the room entered an awkward quietness until Izzy busted out laughing, a loud obnoxious laughter

"I'm just pulling your leg!" You nodded at her in an oh you got me way "Anyway get settled and dinner will be ready in a few." Izzy said as she left the room closing the door while at it

You sighed as you plopped onto the bed "I can do this, I can do this..." You said to yourself and let out a deep breathe

You shoved yourself up and off the bed and went to grab your bags when

"Ah shit" You groaned realizing they were still down stairs

You swung the door open starting to walk out when suddenly you instantly collided with another bigger and much heftier body than yours. With an oof your butt abruptly collided with the ground

With a groan of agony you looked up to see who you ran into but instantly regretted it. The man that stood before you was very very tall most likely around 6'7 he was dressed in dirty clothes drenched in blood and also wielded a machete whilst wearing a hockey mask.

Without a second thought a scream erupted from your throat in pure terror.

The man in front of you widened his eyes and started to shake his hands rapidly (all after he laid down the bloody machete, of course).

"No no no! Stop! it's alright! I'm not going to hurt you!" He said panicked

After hearing his voice your screaming died down, he sounded so soft but yet again deep and it felt so comforting for some reason

"W-Who are you?" You stuttered

He placed a hand on his chest "My names Jason. What's yours?" He asked

"(Y/N)..." You told him

He smiled underneath his mask as he held out a hand for you "Nice to meet you!" he stated helping you up off the ground

"You too?" You told him still feeling nervous

"So you must be the new tenant hu?" He asked

You furrowed your brows together "Wait so you live here?" You asked

He nodded "Been a tenant here for nearly 7 years now"

You were taken aback "Wow! so I should stick with you hu? Well at least till I get my feel around here..."

He chuckled "Yeah guess so. Hey where are you headed off too?" He asked

"Oh! I forgot my bags down stairs, need to get em" You answered

"Oh well I can help if you want me too...got nothing really to do right now until dinners ready..."

You smiled and nodded "Okay I would like that Jason"

He helped you get your bags up to your room leaving you a heaving mess once you got all of them up. But yet again another person acted like it was nothing

You guessed Jason saw how worn out you where because the next sentence nearly sent you into a fit of rage

"You know there's an elevator right down the hall" he stated pointing backwards with his thumb

You glared at him "Now you decide to tell me!"

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