Day 1

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Today was the first day back at camp and I am really excited because 1. I get to see Xander. The only reason for this is that our school's are far from one another so we see each other during school holidays and while we are counselors at camp. And reason 2 about why I'm so excited is because I get to meet more new people which is always awesome and I have a new CIT (Counselor in Training) which is really exciting too.

"Enjoy sweetheart. I'll see you at the end of Summer." My mom said as I got my last suitcase out the boot of my mom's Range Rover.

"Bye mom." I exclaimed before closing the trunk.

I made my way onto the camping grounds toward the Woodchucks cabin. I put my bags down next the bed of my selection. I started unpacking my bags until I was stopped by the presence of another person. I looked up and saw a girl struggling with her many suitcases so I went over to help her.

"Hey. Welcome to Camp Kikiwaka. I am your counselor Kylie. And you are?" I introduced my self with a smile on face.

"I'm Tiffany." She replied.

"Nice to meet, Tiffany."

"Nice to meet you too."

I walked to my bed and proceeded to unpack my suitcases until I was interrupted again by another person. I looked up and saw.. Xander! I ran to him and almost tackled him to the floor.

"I missed you so much" I mumbled in the crook of his neck with my arms wrapped around him, hugging him really tight with my legs around his waist.

"I missed you too" He answered with his arms around my waist giving me a tight squeeze.

After standing there holding onto each other for dear life we finally let go. I stood on my own two feet and leaned up to place my lips on his. The kiss was short but sweet.

"Are you excited for this Summer? I heard there are quite a few new kids." He asked as we walked inside the Woodchucks cabin.

"Yeah, of course." I replied packing my clothes in the cupboard.

We talked more about school and how life as been. Once I finished packing with the help of Xander, we went outside to wait for more campers.

"Hey!!!" Someone shouted. I recognize that voice from anywhere. It was Lou the other counselor and one of my best but very weird friends.

"Hey Lou." Xander and I said in unison. We both looked at each other and smiled.

"You guys are cute." Lou said gushing over Xander and I.

Lou went to our cabin and unpacked her bags when more campers started flowing in. We saw a few heading down to Grizzly's part of the camp site so it was Xander's queue to leave. Unfortunately.

"Kyles, I gotta go but I'll see you later." He said getting then wrapping me in a hug.

"See you later, Xandergator" I said using one of my many nicknames for him. I hugged him back and gave a peck on the cheek.

I saw two girls coming in my direction with a lot of suitcases in hand. I walked towards to introduce myself.

"Heyo. I'm Kylinna but you can call me Kylie and I will be your counselor this Summer." I introduced myself with a smile on my face.

"Hi, I'm Emma and this is my sister Zuri." The older one who I known as Emma introduced herself

"So Emma, you must be the new CIT?" I asked

"Yes I am and I'm really excited."

"That's awesome cause I'm excited too. Oh, but there's one more person I should introduce you to." I said to them.

We walked toward Lou so I could introduce them.

"Emma, Zuri this is Lou our other Woodchucks counselor. Lou these are our new campers." I said leaving them to get to know each other.

As I started to walk away I heard Zuri whisper loudly to Emma.

"Maybe if we run fast enough we'll catch the limo."

"Not a chance!" I shouted with a smirk on face.
It was now time to sit around the camp fire and sing songs. Xander was singing the song around the camp because he writes songs and he can play guitar. Besides Lou and I can not sing to save our lives. Once we were done we sat around the making smores and Xander came sat in between Lou and I. We decided to go around to everyone and we must all name one fact about ourselves.

I started,"I am very athletic."

"I am also very athletic." Xander said going after me.

That is why Xander and I get along so well because we both love sports and we're both outdoor-sy.

Once we went around the whole circle we decided to call it a night and go to bed.

"Goodnight everyone!" I exclaimed cheerfully.

A chorus of good nights were heard from the group as they all separated back to their cabins.

As I made my way to my dorm to get changed I was stopped by Xander along the way.

"Hey Ky."

"Hey Xan."

"Do you wanna come sleep in my cabin?" He asked with the most adorable smile on his face that I could not say no to.

"Sure let me go get dressed." I replied.

Once I was done I walked out my cabin.

"Wait, Kylie where are you going?" Emma asked.


Oh, I'm heading down to the Grizzly's cabin." I replied quickly avoiding any more questions.

"Why?" She asked. Gosh does she ask a lot of questions.

"I'm going to sleep there." I said.

"Where there's no space?" She asked ANOTHER question.

"With Xander." I said quickly walking out. "Goodnight."

I ran out to Xander who was standing there patiently waiting.

"What took so long?" He asked with his arm around my shoulder as we walked down to his cabin.

"Emma was asking me a whole lot of questions about where I was going."

The rest of the walk was silent. But it was the comfortable silence. Once we arrived I was greeted by Ravi and Jorge.

Xander quickly got changed and we climbed into his bunk and got underneath the duvet.

"Night Kylie."

"Night Xander." I kissed him on the lips.

Bunk'd ||Xander|| {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now