Day 2

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(A/N: Sabrina Carpenter portrays role the of Kylie.)

I woke up the next morning with the covers half off and Xander's leg over mine cuddling into my side. It was cute to watch Xander sleep. Creepy I know. I got up and stretched. I decided to wake Xander up in a not so gentle way. I ran and jumped on top of him which made him huff.

"What was that for?!" He asked groggily.

"I needed to wake you up" I said nonchalantly.

"Ugh, whatever." He answered stretching then waking up Jorge and Ravi.

"I better get back to my cabin and get ready." I said to Xander.

"OK see you later Kyligator." He said.

As you can probably tell we both have the same nickname cause he's Xandergator and mine was Kyligator. Yeah weird and cheesy right but I don't care I love him.

I walked back to my cabin and saw everyone only getting out of bed now.

"Morning everybody!" I greeted cheerfully.

"Morning Kylie." Zuri greeted.

"So, how was your night with Xander?" Emma asked bitterly and with a hint jealousy laced in her voice.

"It was....good, thanks for asking." I said being cautious about my words.

"Hey Lou-Bear, do you know what's wrong with Emma?" I asked Lou using one of many nicknames I have given her.

"What? No! What are you- Emma's fine." Lou replied very panicky.

"Lou." I said my tone rising a bit.

"OK fine! Emma likes Xander and she knows that you're dating him. So...she might have gotten a bit jealous." She admitted then letting out a breath of relief.

"How does she know?" I asked.

You might be thinking what's wrong with her knowing. Well, I don't like to flaunt my relationship and neither does Xander because of past incidents. When I say past incidents I mean crazy jealous girls out to kill me.

"I may of spilled it out yesterday..." She said nervously turning around and scratching the back of her neck.

"Lou!" I exclaimed, "Now Emma is gonna hate me. This was supposed to be a good Summer." I said slumping my shoulders and sitting down on Lou's bed.

"At least she's not the first one." Lou replied positively shrugging her shoulders.

Sometimes I worry about her I swear. I opened my mouth to say something but I realised I had nothing and that I should just keep it to myself.

Once I was showered and ready I looked at the schedule given to all counselors to find that today the CIT's and the campers have to an obstacle course to complete. This should be fun even though I'm not participating.

"Are you guys ready to have fun?" I asked enthusiastically.

"Yeah. It's always fun to get covered in dirt." Emma answered sarcastically.

"Oh come on look on the bright side."

"What bright side?" Emma asked walking out the cabin with the rest of following.

" get to have Xander cheering you on." I said immediately regreting my choice of words.

She looked at me with a jealous AF expression on her face before turning around and walking toward the obstacle course.

"Alright! Shut up!" Gladys shouted but no one seemed to listen.

"I said shut up and listen!" She shouted through a mega phone causing silence all around.

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