Day 8

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Things here at Camp Champion are very organized but still chilled at the same time if that makes sense.

"So Kylie. How are you enjoying your first day here at our camp?" Eric asked.

I've gotten closer to a lot of people at Camp.

"Yeah it's been good. It's a lot of fun." I replied.

"Yeah but it does get hard and intense sometimes. But at the end of the day it benefits." He replied.

"Well I'm ready for anything that comes my way." I laughed.

Xander's POV

It has been terrible since Kylie's been gone. This might sound cheesy but it feels like I've lost half of me. She made me happy even though I didn't always show it.

You're all probably thinking 'why are you dating Emma if Kylie makes you happy?'. If I'm honest I sometimes ask myself that question too. I love Kylie and I always have and I always will.

"Hey Xan." Emma said.

"Oh hey."

"I was wondering do you wanna maybe hang out later today?"

"Not now Emma. Please just leave me alone." I said annoyed.

"OK geez. No need to be so rude."

"I'm sorry I'm just...thinking."

"About what?"


"What stuff?"

"Can you stop with the questions please?!" I said aggitated.

"OK." She answered walking away.

"Wait Emma...ugh."

My life is so messed up.

Kylie's POV

"10 more push ups then you're done. Come on!" Coach Grant who is one of the fitness coaches said.

We did 10 more push ups then we were done.

"Great job guys. Have some water then be back in an hour." He said.

"That is a lot of work." Tina, my new friend said.

"Yeah but it's worth it." I replied taking a sip of water.

"Hey Ky." Eric said.

"Hey Ric." I replied.

"Hey T." He said greeting Tina as well.

"Hey E."

"I'll leave you two to talk." Tina said walking away.

"So, what did you think of this session?"

"It was good actually. How did you find it?" I said.

"It was enjoyable."

We talked a bit more until he had to leave.

"Well I gotta go but we'll talk later right?"

"Yeah definitely." I said slightly disappointed.

"Don't be sad Kylie. You'll see me later." He laughed.

"Yeah yeah. Bye."

The thing with Eric and I is that we make it quite obvious that we like each other. So we flirt and stuff. There is just something different about him that draws me in but I don't what it is.

(A/N: Thank you for 2K+ reads. I really appreciate it.)

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