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This week was finally the week your boyfriend and you have some free time together. You got holiday from college and Eunwoo had his day off from his work. You had just woke up and you're still there in between his long arms in a warm hug.

You tilted a bit to your side to get out of bed trying not to wake the tired man up. You failed your mission when Eunwoo pulled you back towards his chest. You looked upwards to meet his eyes.

Eunwoo grinned at you and pecked your eyelids. You grinned at him and greeted him a 'Good Morning'. He replied with the same phrase and shut his eyes again stuffing his face in your hair.

You were both still snuggling together until you heard your partners' tummy growl. (EXO! 😂) You looked at him and lift his arms off of your body. He sat on the bed and rubbed his eyes.

"Before anything, why don't I make breakfast first?" You asked chuckling.
"I'll make breakfast!" Eunwoo insisted.
"What will you make?" You asked again.
"Nutella pancakes!" He answered which results to you grinning.
"Yum! Palli!" You exclaimed excitedly pushing him off the bed and pulling him downstairs to the kitchen.

Once you both reached the kitchen, Eunwoo placed his hands on your waist lifting you up. He placed his precious girl on the counter and smiled. You smiled back and watched as he started making the pancake mix.

Throughout the time he was cooking, you both talked about his work and your colleagues. You even told him about once your classmate was locked in the study hall because he fell asleep and the janitor didn't notice.

Soon, the pancakes were done. Eunwoo stacked them on a plate and added some blueberries and strawberries around them. You scooped a few spoons of nutella and put it on top of the pancake stack.

Eunwoo carried the small table into the room you both shared and put it on the bed. You sat behind the table and hugged a pillow as Eunwoo started cutting the pancakes. You waited patiently for the small pieces of pancakes.

Once he had removed his hands from the plate, you grabbed a fork and poked one of the cute slices. You shove it right into your mouth and hummed a bit at the sweetness of the chocolate.

"Is it good?" Eunwoo asked.

You replied with a nod and a bonus grin. Eunwoo smiled back at you in relief. You took another slice and fed Eunwoo which he gladly ate it. He dipped his finger in the nutella you put on the pancakes and licked it clean.

You did the same thing but instead of licking it, your finger landed on the tip of his nose. You laughed at the pouting Eunwoo. You quickly snatched your phone from the bedside table and took a photo of him.

You kissed the tip of his nose to get the nutella off. It made him smile and slightly blush but he remained silent. You laughed at his pinkish cheeks and continued eating.

When you both had finished devouring the food, you washed the dishes and both drank your daily dose of coffee. Then, Eunwoo pulled you back into your room.

"What do we do today?" You asked as you played with his fingers.
"Let's just stay in bed all day." Eunwoo answered snuggling his face into your neck.
"Then what about tomorrow?" You asked again.
"Do the same thing." He replied as you felt his lips moving on your neck.
"The day after tomorrow?" You asked giggling at the ticklish feeling on your neck.
"Still do the exact same thing." He said making you feel his warm breathe against your skin again.
"Then when are we doing something fun?" You whined.
"This is fun." Eunwoo said.
"Very fun." You mumbled with a tone filled with sarcasm and rolled your eyes.
"Let's plan it together later tonight." He suggested.
"Arasseo." You replied and heard Eunwoo yawn.

You chuckled at his sleepiness but allowed him to place his head on your shoulder still. After a few minutes, Eunwoo actually fell asleep again and soon you dozed off too.


Such a boring one....... Not so good for a comeback huh? 😧

If you want to know what had happened, please read Shiet About Ariana Amelia's Lyfe. Literally that's the title..... Read it to get updates about me! A book for all Arians around the world. 😁

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