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It was a very rainy day. You looked outside and it was pouring cats and dogs. The cars that drove by were splashing water here and there. Kids were jumping on puddles with their raincoats and boots on.

No matter how much you wished it was holiday, you still had to go to school. So, you bathe and wore your complete uniform. You looked in the mirror smiling at your reflection. Your smile then turned into a worried look.

You were afraid your clothes might get wet and dirty despite the good luck you have. Not everyone could be lucky 24/7 right? You shrugged to yourself and packed your school bag.

When you walked down the stairs where you saw your mother putting some plates topped with food on the dining table. You smiled and greeted her 'Good Morning'. You threw your bag on the sofa and sat at the dining table.

You were enjoying your bacon dipped in ketchup until your sister came down. She patted your head which results to a mess for your hair. You glared at her and released your grip on your fork.

"Kim Bora!" Your mother called.
"Ne eomma?" Your sister replied.
"Don't disturb your sister like that." She said.
"Fine." Your sister mumbled.

You pulled your hair back up and pulled the hair band around your wrist to seal the ponytail you held in your palm. Your sister chuckled at you as she started devouring. You got your revenge when you took a slice of bacon from your sister's plate and stuffing it in your mouth. (Why did I even write about bacon? Now I'm craving..... Help me!! 😢)

When you've finished, you wore your socks and put on your white converse. You walked out the door along with your sister. Both of you walked along the pavement side by side.

"What's happening between you and MJ oppa?" You asked to the older girl.
"Nothing much. We've broke up." Bora answered.
"You broke up!?" You asked in shock.
"Yeah. A few days ago." She replied.
"OMG! This is big news for the guys out there!" You exclaimed.
"Funny." She mumbled.
"Let's take a selca here." You suggested as you took your phone out of the front pocket of your bag.

Your sister agreed and you both stood there. Thank god there wasn't really much people at that time. You held your phone out and snapped the selca. Suddenly, it was snatched from your grip.

You were about to panic until you tilted your head to see your classmate, Eunwoo, holding your phone. He was snapping cute selcas of himself and you just watched quietly. You exchanged looks with Bora which then snatched the phone back for you.
"Gomawo eonni!" You acted as if you were about to cry.
"Don't be such a drama queen and let's continue walking.". Bora said.

You grinned at her as you both continued your steps leaving Eunwoo trailing behind. It was just another 5 minutes walk but you got thirsty. So you told your sister to go on first and you'll arrive at school soon. She just nodded and left you.

"Wow. What a caring sister." You mumbled and walked to the nearest convenient store.

You walked around and grabbed a bottle of fruit juice. After paying for it, you walked back out of the store to continue your walk. You pushed the door and saw Eunwoo standing there.

"What're you doing here? You should've arrived at school by now." You asked walking in the direction towards your school.
"Waiting for you. What do you think I was doing?" Eunwoo asked back as he walked beside you.
"Nothing." You answered.
"I know you've got fantasies of me." He staid teasingly which didn't intimidate you at all.
"No. I said nothing. Literally nothing. I thought you were standing there for nothing." You explained as your steps got quicker to run away from this full of himself guy.

Eunwoo caught up with you which suddenly reminds you that he's an athlete in your school. He swims and he's very smart. You just had to be patient with all the talking he does around you.

You don't even know why but when he's with his group of friends, he's loud and when he's with your other classmates and teachers, he'd be super quiet. You have never heard him speak so much to your other classmates except that he talks to you a lot.

You finally arrived at school so you immediately ran away from Eunwoo and rushed to your locker. You got your books out and left your bag in the locker. You took your phone and stationary and went to your first class.

It was a period for Chemistry but the teacher that entered your class isn't the teacher teaching the subject. Instead, it was your P.E teacher. The whole class was looking at him and whispering if he had mistakenly see his teaching schedule.

"Your Chemistry teacher is on a leave. She had to go out because something happened to her son. So, please do these worksheets she had left and control yourselves while I'll be in the faculty room." The built teacher said.

The whole class replied with a hum and your class president started giving out the worksheets. You took yours and fold it slipping it into your notebook. You plugged in your earphones and put your head on the table covering your eyes.

About half an hour later, you were awaken by a tap on your desk. You got up and looked at the person disturbing your beauty sleep. Eunwoo was there smiling innocently at you. You glared at him and continued sleeping.

You suddenly felt something pressed on your hair. You touched your whole head to feel a piece of paper sticking to your ponytail. You pulled it off and read it.

-Meet me during lunch later on the rooftop- Eunwoo

You raised one of your eyebrow and threw the note away. You continued jamming to a song entitled 'Ex Girl' by Monsta X while bobbing your head. You smiled at the beat of your favourite song and started singing and rapping along.

Later, the bell rang signing recess. Since you weren't hungry, you decided to just meet Eunwoo at the rooftop. You slowly let your feet guide yourself up the stairs and saw the tall guy sitting there.

You walked closer to him and tapped his shoulder. He pulled his headphone off and smiled at you.

"I thought you wouldn't come." Eunwoo said.
"I'm not hungry." You explained.
"Why did you want to meet me? Please hurry...... It's raining." You asked putting your hand above your eye to prevent water from dropping into it.
"I wanted to tell you something." He said looking right into your eyes.
"What?" You asked as you were starting to get soaked.
"I've liked you since a few months ago when I first came here but I don't know how to tell you. I kept it in for a while but now I just can't hide it any more so if I say I love you, will you accept me?" He quoted.
"I've never actually thought of being more than just friends with you but I might as well give you a chance." You shrugged as you smiled widely.
"Thank you. I'll use the chance you gave me to show that I can make you live happily ever after." Eunwoo said hugging you.

You hugged back and you both stayed there for a few minutes until you're both soaking wet. For the rest of the day, you both spent time together in the nurses' office.


How have you all been? Have life been nice to you? It's great to hear if life is nice to you cuz it haven't been so nice to me.....

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