Chapter 3

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Natsu POV~

Great, the little boy, Harley explained everything to me. The gods, demigods,missing person that I apparently took the place of,etc. Now he was giving me a nice tour of the camp after we met with a guy half horse for breakfast. He had theories why I was here but said we'd speak later, fantastic. I even had to explain my part of the story and everything..well it wasn't much but still.
I was so stuck in thought the kids startled me when he spoke.
"Yo Natsu,"
"Tonight we're gonna have this camp wide game,capture the flag,and I haveta explain the rules to you." He started to talk and I listened, sorta. After a while we got so into consideration that I didn't notice I ran into a pig lady.
"Does every newbie think they can mess with me and get away with it?" She growled.
"Look Clarie, he bumped your shoulder and didn't mean to. Let it go." My new little buddy stated back. I stepped in, I needed a good fight to take my mind off things.
"Sorry 'bout that lady, watch where you're goin."
"You lookin for a fight punk?" This was gonna be fun. She twirled her spear around in her hand and got into a well guarded stance. I got into mine.
"Bring it."


Annabeth POV~

When I heard Clarisse yelling I knew something was wrong. Percy, Jason, Piper and myself were called to camp by Chiron through an iris message saying there was something bad occurring involving our friend Leo and a new comer to the camp. Camp Jupiter was supposedly informed about this incident too, so it have to be serious.
"Bring it." I heard a new voice said in amusement. People started running towards the starting action. The three of us nodded in agreement as we ran from Percy's cabin to the main beach.
And gods did we start to see a show. The daughter of Ares was evenly matched in combat with a pinknette haired male. His hair was spiked and around his head was a white scaly scarf, as if it were a bandana. He wore a camp t-shirt with blue jeans.He was smirking widely, revealing his fang like teeth. I could see why, because his opponent was armed with her lightning spear, and he his bare fists.She somehow tripped him, and cut his cheek before he could dodge. He quickly got up and looked down at his cheek.
"Fine,I won't go so easy now." He said smugly, she growled in response.
"You should never hold back on the battlefield."
Than something unexpected happened. His hands lit on fire, like Leo's would do. The other campers were in shock as he was showing off his flames. Who was this guy?Was he a son of Hephaestus like Leo, being able to wield fire?
"Fire dragon...ROAR."

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