Chapter 6

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After coming home to a very relieved mother,  Ivy spent the rest of her day in her room. Talking to the Alder leaves just outside her windowsill. 

Strange as it might sound, Ivy no longer bore shame or shyness. She enjoyed conversing with plants and slowly learnt to recognize not only their appearance, but personality and characteristics.  

It seemed like every plant knew she was Mother Nature. They all welcomed her gratefully, overjoyed to finally meet her. 

Everyone thought it was just a myth. The Alder leaves had explained. But boy, aren’t I glad to witness that it isn’t.... Mother. It added hastily remembering her status. 

Ivy had just laughed and told them to call her Ivy. She liked the Alder leaves; they were more relaxed and casual than others, she could talk about anything with them without having to worry about reputation and responsibilities. 

The late afternoon had rounded the corner and the sun turned a yellow-amber color. A waft of the early evening breeze swept through the air, people slowly started to head home for supper, restaurants, bars and clubs prepared to welcome another night’s business. 

So, is there any stardust clans out here? Ivy asked the Alder leaves. 

Oh yes. They assured her. Plenty. They know all about you. But I suspect the reason the young man hasn’t taken you to them yet is because you’re not quite ready. 

Ivy was puzzled at this

What do you mean? 

You’re Mother Nature; what was once a myth. The people respect you, but will not entirely devote their loyalty to you without proving yourself first. 

She gulped. 

Proving myself?

Your powers. They want a show of your powers. 


Ivy wasn’t sure what to think. Part of her really wanted to please the clans, she wanted to prove herself worthy of their loyalty. But on the other hand, she wasn’t entirely ready to give up her old life. Proving herself and earning the loyalty of the clans would only drag her deeper into this new life. 

Reminiscing are you? I understand. The Alder leave noted sympathetically, its glow turning a soft mellow peach. You’ll have to completely sacrifice your old life.  

Those days that I spend in this room just watching the elements, reading, listening to music, laughing with my sister...that will be no more will it?

Nah, I wouldn’t say no more. But it’ll be different. The Alder leaves replied carefully.

I can’t tell them? Ivy seemed to whine. Some human support would be very welcome at this point in time.

You can’t. The Alder leaves said firmly. Secrecy is vital remember? Furthermore, I’m not sure whether they’ll accept it very well. I is a lot to take on, even for you. 

Ivy threw a pillow across the room in sudden frustration. 

Can’t that be for them to decide? They’re my mother and sister! They’ll love me no matter what. 

The Alder leaves were silent for a moment, hesitant whether or not to argue against Mother Nature. 

Just remember, they said finally, secrecy is vital. If you break that, I don’t know how the people will take you in. 

Ivy huffed, and started to draw back her consciousness. 

Oh and Iv- I mean, Mother? 

She stopped and glared. 


Not to rain on your parade or anything, but you might want to read the series ‘Mortal Instruments.' Pay close attention to a character called Simon in particular. 


The Alder leave’s yellow glow dimmed a little; a sympathetic smile. 

It shows how sometimes love doesn’t always conquer all. 


Author's Note:

Oooo that last sentance is a killer for your die-hard romantic people out there. Again I'm sorry for such a short chapter, but its just another scene to let you know how Ivy is feeling and coping with the current situation. Connection with her is very important. 

Comment, vote, add ya ppl! Who loves the series 'Mortal Instruments'? I sure do. 

Will Ivy prove herself to her people? Or will she draw back and snuggle into her old life which she now reliezes was all she ever wanted?

Coming soon.......


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