Scintilla and Luminosity

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Chapter 4


   I have been following him for some time. Luminosity has been having a hard time. His light canine body isn't made for this rigorous travel. I have to remind him that he has to stay behind me or else this boy would find us. The only thing that my powers don't reduce is my breathing and my galloping. The darkness brings sounds that I can count on to mask them. My powers can reduce the appearance of myself and anyone I choose who is in close proximity to myself. 
   Those that come from the darkness can choose to never be heard or seen, for we come from places you can never see and would never want to hear. I have a small amount of light in me that allows me to travel to Empyrean and back. Sadly that small amount comes from being related to this numbskull of a "brother." You can hardly call him a brother, being he is canine and I stallion, but he follows me around that it was either adoring friend or loving brother. He insisted on brother. Our connection is still a mystery to me, but we are of the few creatures who can travel between the plains of existence.
   What makes Luminosity the most agonizing to be around is that whenever we travel to Stygian he brightens the place up. He attempts to lighten me up, but I show him what my power could do if he did that and he backs off. He knows that in Stygian, I am more powerful. I have to make sure he is behind me so the human cannot see him, and use my powers to reduce his light. He is what humans would call an optimist. I am not saying I am a pessimist, but Luminosity has this weird thought that life as we know it was not always so dark on one side and bright on another. He believes it was some sort of mixture and humans didn't have to run for their life every day or walk the city streets but never go anywhere.
"If you'd just listen to me Scin! Life was more balanced!" Luminosity claimed, "Humans could have dogs as pets and horses to ride, and not have to worry about them becoming monsters."
"Such nonsense Lum. If humans wanted to ride me they would die trying and you are to jumpy to be any good of a pet! Besides, this human prefers running for long periods of time only to collapse and go to Empyrean for a short time. There is no way he could possibly have us as 'pets,'" I replied. "Now be silent, else the human will hear us!"
All I wanted to do was make sure that this human didn't fall into the hands of the wrong sounds. If the sounds found his powers then he would certainly be gone from all of the worlds. Sadly, the sounds already have an interest in him and I have to warn him to run if they get too close. What I cannot understand is why is he not afraid? He is in an environment that humans are not built for, but he is just determined to continue running. This, I believe, is why the sounds have a particular interest in him.
The only other thing the sounds have an interest in is passing between worlds. They have already breached Empyrean several times, occasionally bringing a beast from the other side that would become a sound, or a human who would stop after trying to find safety. There is no such thing as "safe" in the dark plains of Stygian. Only movement or travel. This world has nothing much in terms of scenery, considering that there is no sun and you can't see anything unless you have dark-sight. There is the occasional rock, and more rocks, but the way the human runs makes it so that he never runs into anything. That has always confused me. Even those that can see still run into something.
   "The human seems to have been running longer than normal..." I wondered out loud.
   "Strange isn't it--oh there he goes!" Lum observed.
   "Alright Lum, let's go." I sighed.

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