04. is Lee Seol An

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Four years ago…

A sunny Sunday morning in the summer, Eli wakes so early because he and his two best friends plan to go to the beach. They plan to go to Gyeongpodae Beach by bus, so they will meet at the bus station.

Eli becomes the first person who gets there. He sits at a coffee shop waiting for his two friends to come. About 15 minutes pass….a calls come to his cellphone…

Kevin Woo

“Ya! Where are you now?” the first sentence that come from Eli’s mouth, right before Kevin say ‘Hello’

“Chill out…I’ll get there in 5 minutes. Jaeseop’s still not coming too?”

“Yeah! Both of you”

“OK, where are you?”

“I wait at Starbuck”

“OK see you there”

Kevin hang up his cellphone.

Kevin Woo, the skinniest guy among Jaeseop and Eli, 180 cm tall and 50 kg weight. A sweet rich guy who never see get angry. His parents has a big export company in Seoul. But, when you see this guy, he doesn’t look like a rich guy. He never uses his car, even his parents bought him the coolest car ever.  He choose to go along with his friend by Bus or train. He’s a humble guy and really kind, seems like his personality is flawless. He has a dream to be a professional photographer. Travelling around the world, capture a great moment from every place in the world.

Kevin walks with a light step to Starbuck to meet Eli. When Kevin enter the café, his eyes can spot directly to a place where Eli sits.

“Hello!” Kevin greet Eli with an angelic smile, pretending that he’s not late and sits in front of Eli.

But suddenly his eyes change direction into a woman who just enter to the café. A woman with a wavy long red hair, a skinny jeans, a white plain shirt and a black high heel. She orders an ice coffee latte. She stands near the cashier, waiting for her drink to come. She looks so…beautiful? Ah no…she’s charming. People will not get bored by looking at her for a long time.

Your small wing movements, my attraction to you

Your hand gestures seem like you’re telling me to follow you

You’re earnest eyes and your silent stories

Whirled together on that night

I lost myself and my one and only soul

In your deep image

Completely drunk in your body movements that I forgot to even breathe

You sit lightly like a waltz and I can’t take my eyes off of you

My eyes naturally follow you each step you take

Lead me

Yeah, to the place you live, take me with you

Oh, I’ll follow you even if it’s at the end of the world

Please don’t escape from my vision,

Don’t disappear even when morning comes

The walk I dream of,

You are my one and only beautiful butterfly” (Don’t go by EXO)

Eli waves his hands in front of Kevin’s face. And turns his body to where Kevin’s eyes go.

“Ah c’mon…why you stare at a woman like that? Never meet a woman?” Eli smirk at Kevin’s act.

“Wait here, I wanna take a photo of her!” Kevin take his DSLR out in a speed of light and walks to that woman.

“WHAT?!?!” Eli opens his eyes so wide. He can’t believe that his friend will take a photo of a woman that …. just meet at a coffee shop???? Eli put his hands on the head and shake it light.

That woman take her ice coffee latte and turn her body. But she shocked by a man stands in front of her, put an adorable smile while hold a DSLR.

“What?” a first word that slide from her mouth.

“I know I’m too harsh if I ask this to you…” Kevin says to that woman and she just froze like a statue wondering ‘is this guy…crazy?’

“But can I take your photo while drink that coffee?” Kevin continue his word. Make that woman give a really big shock face and Eli choke when he drinks his coffee.

“W…why?” she ask Kevin.

“I like to take a good moment into my photograph…and I think I can get it from you” Kevin smiles.

Maybe there’s no one in this world who could turn away from Kevin when he smiles. In the fact that the woman agree to give Kevin a pose, is a proof…the power of Kevin’s smile, “OK just one photo…I’m in hurry” and Kevin nods.

That woman drink her coffee use a straw and Kevin take a shot of it. Just one shot.

Kevin take a look of the photo from the display and smile. Proud and happy.

“You have a great eye” Kevin says to that woman.

“Thank you. Gotta go now” that woman walks to the door…walk out.

At the door, Jaeseop who just come and cross paths withthe woman. At that moment, Kevin shout to the woman “Hey, can I know your name?”

That woman turn her body, “Lee Seol An” she answers.

Jaeseop eyes and her eyes meet in a second. But that woman put a black sunglass on her eyes and walk out.

That moment…

Jaeseop eyes follow her out…

and his heart suddenly pounding…

without any reason…

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