Chapter 11: True Self

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This chapter is dedicated to Narah, a wonderful, smart and beautiful young lady.


Chapter 11:  True self

His hand wraps tightly around my neck. The pressure around my throat increases, sending waves of pain towards my wind pipe. Each individual finger pushing down is filled with hatred that shouldn't be allowed to come from anyone; a hatred that I will never understand. My hands and eyes search franticly for an object, any object, that could come to my rescue, but the search party returns empty. Tears burn through my eyes as I feel my body struggling to stay alive. I look into his eyes, the eyes that I have seen many times, the ones I grew to be scared of.

My father's face comes in and out of sight, with his hand securely on my neck, he threatens to take my breath away while his body keeps me pinned down on the bed. His face disappears as tears blur my eyes, all I see in front of me is his silhouette.

"You are WORTHLESS!" His voice pierces through.

His hand shifts and I feel a quick relief of breath, the pressure on my neck is no longer there. I gasp for fresh air, coughing with a force within me I didn't know I had. I feel his hand run down my body, my stomach turns and clenches knowing what comes next.

"You're nothing"



His words pierce through my heart and cause an ache that no physical harm could ever reach. His hand goes back to my neck, although the pain is back, it's not as strong as it was before. My hands try to fight him off, but his words keep replaying in my mind. Not only am I having to fight a battle outside of myself, I am forced to fight a battle within myself, one that I'm not sure I will win. I feel the fight within me diminish, his words scream inside my head. I stop fighting him, what's the use of fighting a battle I am sure to lose? I feel my body struggling for air as my body goes limp.

I jolt awake, catching my breath and placing my hand on my neck. My heart's racing as I run my hand down to my chest.

"It's just a dream" I whisper to myself.

I sit in darkness trying to calm down, hours pass although it feels only seconds have gone by. I see the sun slowly fly up into the sky, and noise from the outside world gets louder as I fall into a dull state of consciousness.

~~~ ~~~

The music notes hit my heart with every second that passes by. The days have unknowingly slipped by, they've become both a blur and a unwanted visitor. The dark curtains block the sunlight form my eyes. My covers have become my shelter, protecting me from the outside realities. Soft music constantly plays, protecting me from my own thoughts. With every song that passes by, I listen to the beat trying to drown out the world. I sigh.

I don't recognize myself. Who have I become?

A loud shatter shakes the room. I throw a picture frame across the room and it smashes against the wall. Glass covers the floor, along with the picture of Dominic and I.

A knocking on the door disrupts my thoughts.

"I made you tomato soup and a grilled cheese" I hear Aiden's voice from the other side of the door.

Aiden has really been supportive these past days. The night I turned Dominic in, I came home after talking to Sebastian and as soon as I stepped inside the apartment I bursted into tears. Unknowingly, Aiden, Joseph and Michelle were talking in the kitchen; as soon as they heard my crying they all rushed towards me. I shook my head, not being able to give them any type of vocal response.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2016 ⏰

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