Chapter 5: Resonance

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***Sorry for any mistakes***

Chapter 5: Resonance


Victoria’s POV


I straighten my skirt and pull back a single hair that is being stubborn on my head. After controlling my unorganized thoughts, I take a deep breath and knock on the wooden door. A few minutes pass by and my nerves begin to escalate; I silently regret coming. I bite my lip thinking whether I should just go or not, but the door opens, not letting me decide.

Dark round eyes narrow at me, “What are you doing here?” John, Dominic’s cousin, asks harshly as his eyes sink into mine.

I instinctively take a step back, “I need to talk to you” my small voice spills from my mouth although it is barely audible I know he’s heard me.

“I have nothing to talk to you about” John’s bitter words, ignites the fire within me.

As his hand reaches to close the door, my hand quickly stops the hard wooden door. His eyes narrow and stare right into mine, I put up a fight, not letting my eyes gaze away. His eyes look away from me in defeat and I take my opportunity.

“Please, it’s important.” I say sternly yet gently.

His eyes soften and he opens the door wide once again, “What is it?”

My head moves to the left trying to look behind him, “Can I come in?” I ask innocently.

“No.” His strong barrier comes up again.

“I’ve gotten letter from him” I say quite simply.

His expression quickly changes into shock, “he’s contacted you?”

I nod, “several times actually. I was hoping you could help me”

“I told Agent McCall everything I know.” He says irritated, “Besides even if I did know anything I surely wouldn’t tell you. You want to lock him up.”

Anger rushes within me, of course I want to lock him up he’s made my life hell; I somehow control the anger running through my veins, “I just want all of this to stop and for him to be safe.”

“I don’t know what happened that night, but I know that Dominic isn’t a murder. We both know he wouldn’t hurt a fly, and for good sakes HE’S IN LOVE WITH YOU!”

I snort, “What he did is the complete opposite of love! All the feelings and friendship I had towards him were snatched away the moment he betrayed me. Every last feeling and respect was lost because of his so called ‘love’ towards me!”

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