Chapter 15

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I walked into school the next Monday with the events from the night before on my mind. I no longer knew what to believe. After the dinner Ashton talked to me and explained everything that happened between her and Lucas. She told me that I should forgive Lucas and give him another chance but I'm not going to do that. Her information did shed some light and help me understand some things but that still didn't justify what he did.

I tried my best to stay out of everyone's way all day, sitting to the back of the class whenever I had a class with any of my 'friends'. It was only during lunch that Zay cornered me at the wall and demanded that I tell him about the dinner. When Ashton asked if we could talk I immediately messaged Zay and promised to tell him all about it but I'd been avoiding everyone including him.

After a few minutes of pointlessly trying to change the subject I gave him and told him everything. He sat there listening to me intensively  listening to me and when I was finished he nodded and asked, "You believe that?"

"I don't see why she would lie." I shrug. "What's in it for her if she lies?"

"I don't know but that sounds very made up."

"No it doesn't, you just w-" I started but was cut off by a familiar voice coming from behind us. I turned around so fast I think I got whiplash.

 "I believe it." I gently rubbed my neck and stared at her in confusion.

"Have you ever heard that eavesdropping is rude?" Zay says glaring at her.

"Sorry. I was just looking for you and heard you guys talking-"

"And decided to listen in. Eavesdropping." Zay interrupts her. "And why the hell are you looking for me?"

"Again, sorry but I couldn't help it. I just heard Lucas' name and wanted-"

"To go on about how he's yours again?" Zay asks again.

"Zay, stop." I warn him.

"Thank you Maya." she says. "I was saying, I was looking for Zay to ask him about Lucas and you guys were talking about him so, yeah, I guess I was eavesdropping."

"Why do you want to ask me about Lucas?" Zay ask her with a displeased look on his face.

"I noticed Lucas was moping around the halls and I wanted to know why." she said.

"Why?" I ask finally speaking to her directly.

"Well I was w- well you see- I-" she starts suddenly nervous, looking towards the ground. "I just wanted to know if you guys broke up and if- if" she stutters again. She looks up takes a deep breath and says. "If it was my fault." She looks to the ground again. "But since I sort of eavesdropped, I know it isn't."

"You didn't sort of eavesdrop, you did." Zay says. "And  Maya didn't end things for your selfish reasons. She broke up with him for herself and don't act like you would care if you did."

"Maya, I didn't mean what I said back then. I swear. I was just jealous because you and Lucas were dating and I said things I didn't mean." she said giving me her sad  eyes. "Would you forgive me?" 

I stared at her for a few seconds with a blank face before I burst out laughing. Zay and Riley stared at me with confused and scared and I laughed a bit more before kidding. "You're kidding right?" I wipe the fake tears from my eyes. "So it's just a coincidence that you find out Lucas and I broke up and you suddenly want to be besties again?"

"Maya that's not why! I swear, I'm sorry." She pleaded. "I really am, this has nothing to do with-"

"Save it for someone who cares." I cut her off jumping from the wall. "You can take you lame ass apology and shove it up your ass because frankly I don't want to hear any of it right now." I say walking closer to her. "Truth to be told these past couple of weeks I've had without you constantly breathing down my neck and telling me what to do have been some pretty good ones. So I'm going to not weave my way into your life and continue staying out of your way if you stay out of mine." I finish barely a foot from her now. "Now if you will excuse me," I say as the bell to end lunch rings. "I have a class to get to." I walk past her purposely bumping my shoulder into hers as I pass her. 





 I honestly hate this chapter. I don't know what to write anymore, I have the ideas but it's so hard to put into words. 

I hope this is enough for now. I'm gonna try to update soon.

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