Spiritual Waterfalls

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Mark's POV

My soul is ripped from my body in a painful "snap" and then I'm floating, but I still feel attached. I keep going up and up, but then an invisible wall stops me. I try to push up, to the side to get around the barrier, but it's to no avail. I know where I am. I'm stuck in the Limbo Sphere. It's a horrible in between trap that spirits with unfinished business get stuck in. I wonder what will happen with me. I look down and see my mangled body lying on the bed. My eyes have been burned to nothingness and my entire head is sizzling and smoking. I push down. I feel as if I'm going through a waterfall, and then the colors all seem brighter. The sounds louder. I scan my apartment. The only thing here is my corpse. I walk out to find Juliana. I feel kind of bad for what I put her through. I thought I was making love? I guess not. I've never had a normal relationship. The war started three years ago when I was eighteen. My parents all died within the first forty-eight hours of the nuclear stuff. I don't miss them. They all treated me worse than the crap on the bottom of their shoes. I remember my dad's life deteriorating. He came home really drunk one night when I was five or six. My step mom was out, I don't know where, and it was well past my bedtime. I heard him crashing and banging around the downstairs of the house. I could hear glass clinking and him bellowing for my mother. I called to him, telling him she wasn't home. Bad move. He came bounding up the stairs and punched me. I kept asking why he was hitting me, his little boy. He kept hitting me. This happened every Friday. Fridays were always something every little kid looked forward to, what got them through the school week. Not for me. I used to stay for as long as I possibly could on the bus just to avoid the absolute hell that awaited me. After about two months of this, my step mom never came back. I guess my father got sexually frustrated, because he took it out on me. My little innocent body couldn't take it, and I almost died. I wish I had. He would always tell me that he did it because he loved me and that he was sorry, but he did it all the time, more and more frequently without reason other than wanting to hurt me. I guess I don't know what true love is. I've only seen like what, two romance movies? And who's to say that that crap's real? I find Juliana and Elisabeth and see them walking out of the pyramid. I follow, wondering where they're going. They enter a transport sphere that takes them up to my new home. Guess it's time to meet them in my new form.

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