Track 1 - Gypsy Woman

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London, 2012

London was exactly as Lainey Spencer had always imagined it: classical architecture, rich history, museums on practically every corner, the smell of damp stone buildings and musty rain mixed with car exhaust, people scurrying to and fro, but always orderly and efficient.

The Underground was clean, well lit and without graffiti, a refreshing change from the subways in New York City and DC. The trains in England were small and cute, the colorful stations unique and full of character. Harried commuters grew visibly impatient when Lainey held them up fumbling with foreign money and tickets, but a helpful train attendant magically appeared and soon set her on her way.

From her seat in a tidy carriage she watched a group of schoolboys board the train, thinking how cute they looked in their uniforms, until they began ruthlessly teasing the girls in front of them, pulling their hair and generally being obnoxious. She settled back in her seat and puzzled over the posted map of colored lines, hoping she had counted the zones correctly and had enough tube passes to get to her destination and back.

Lainey was on a quest. The grandfather she'd never known had been born in England and had lived and worked in London for a time. Lainey had known nothing about him until she came home from school one day to find her grandmother in tears. That night, Lainey's mother had pulled her onto her lap and whispered a tale of young love and heartbreak.

Grandma Marie was only 16 years old and living in the north of England when she met a dark-haired, dark-eyed, lanky teen with a huge talent and a head full of dreams. She'd fallen head over heels in love, and her heart had been broken when her military father had moved the family back to the United States while the boy was in Germany with his band. Grandma Marie had been back in Virginia for only two weeks when she discovered she was pregnant. She never spoke to the dark-eyed handsome boy again, but she remembered him every time she looked at the face of her daughter.

The teenage English boy proved impossible to forget, as he soon became one of the most famous faces in the world. And that day in 2001, shortly before Lainey got home from school, Grandma Marie had learned the first and only boy she ever loved had died of cancer at only 58 years of age.

Now eleven years later, Lainey was in England for the first time. Her brother Matt had been accepted into a graduate program at Oxford. Lainey had saved every penny from her part-time job in her father's record store and barely managed to afford a round trip ticket to London with her mother to help get Matt settled at school. It was their trip of a lifetime, and she wanted to cram as much sightseeing as possible into the next ten days.

That was how she ended up on the train to London, alone, while her mother and Matt slept off their jet lag. Lainey exited the St. John's Woods tube station and checked her phone for directions. It was only a short walk now to the famed Abbey Road Studios, where her grandfather had spent years creating music that was still loved by people all over the world. Ever since she'd discovered she was related to him, she had longed to see the studio for herself.

Moments later Lainey joined the dozen or so people beside the gate, many of them writing messages on the wall outside the studio. She ran her hand along the wall, touching the words as she read. So much love directed towards these four lads from Liverpool.

"Need a pen?" An American girl offered her a Sharpie and Lainey smiled and took it, contemplating for a moment what to write.

"George Harrison, you live forever in my heart"

She drew a heart around the words and handed the Sharpie back to the girl.

"Aww," the girl said. "I'm a George girl too."

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