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Why would she enter his room? I hesitated to go and check but I found myself heading to the room. I peeked in to see her staring down at him. Who is she? She had a hood, too which makes her even more suspicious. She stretches her arm and touched Jungkook's face. What the hell? Who is she? He's an only child, I know that for sure from her mom. Then who's this girl?

Maybe just a friend?

Alright, feel brave. I held the doorknob in my hands then twisted it open. She flinched at the door opening and faced me. No....she's the girl that was talking with Jungkook in my vision. She stared at me, her eyes wide open in surprise. "What are you doing here?"

"I think I should be asking that question to you." I responded. Yes, Hyeji. Be confident, you're his girlfriend. Nothing to fear, right?

"I'm visiting him." She looks away and glances to Jungkook.

"I don't think you're supposed to be here, since his mom and I are the only one allowed to visit him as far as I know. And what is your relation with him?" I questioned.

"Ah, his girlfriend." She answers. "I'm Minjun."

I scoffed and bit my lip. "What? I think you got the wrong guy. I'm his girlfriend."

"This is interesting. Hyeji, right? Don't you remember? You guys broke up." She stares at me weirdly.

"Nope, I don't remember such thing. But I have evidence that only his mom and I can visit so I think you should be out before I call security." I bluffed, I don't really know if I can do that but I can see she was affected by my words. She lets out a laugh, "Whatever you say." Then she passed by me giving me a smile.

A smile.

A very familiar smile. Flashback of the accident came back, the smile. That's it. It was hers, it was too similar.
Evil in one word.

I stopped by the general centre in the hospital and asked them if they saw any person with the hood on. They shook their head and I told them she entered Jungkook's room but they didn't get anyone signing in. Weird...but expected.


I decided to visit Jimin's office to check in. Yoongi was glad to see me as she gave me a hug. I sat down across Jimin and he greeted me with a, "What are you doing here? You have a report?"

I shook my head and before I could talk, Yoongi took the chance, "Jimin! Just because she came doesn't mean she's going to report, what if she's just here to visit?!"

"Okay, calm down, my admirer." Jimin chuckled as Yoongi reddened. I laughed watching them bicker.

"I just came to visit as Yoongi said but I think I recognized who the girl is in my vision."

"See, she's still reporting something. Well, who is she?"

"Well, I'm not for sure but the smile was too similar and she was the girl I saw who Jungkook was talking to that night before we argued. Also, she visited Jungkook's room earlier. I ran into her ...I forgot her name though."

"Minjun?" Jimin reminded.

"Ah yeah! That's her name!" I exclaimed, "But how do you know?"

"We were already investigating on her. Let's just say I forgot to tell you but we met Minjun days ago and she seemed suspicious. Adding to that, Jungkook has filed restraint warning on her."

"Huh? How can you forget to tell me? But for what?"

"Well, for stalking and threatening his and your safety."


"Hyeji! This is for your safety. I'm protecting you. So please..." Jungkook stopped me.

Was that it? He was just protecting me? He could've just told me, I would've listened...I would have! Why is it always like this? They hide it.

"Hyeji...are you okay?" Yoongi put a hand on my shoulder. I glanced at Jimin who was watching my reaction. He spoke up, "You argued about her because you thought Jungkook was cheating?"

"No, I didn't think he was cheating. I mean, I believed he didn't but he wouldn't just tell me who she is then he told me that he'll actually leave me which caused me to go to the ocean." Just why would he say that?!

"Why would he say that?!" Yoongi raised her voice. "Jungkook did a big mistake."

"No...no...he didn't. I think he just said that out of impulse. So ask this, why would he say that right? He must have a reason. Minjun must have threatened him that she'll do something to her when he doesn't leave her so... maybe Jungkook was scared of her safety, too." Jimin seemed to explain everything.

Was that it? Is that why Jungkook would say that? Ugh, can he just wake up and explain to me, why am I hearing this from another person.

Unusual and weirdly that my heart still beats for him. It's odd since I don't remember him but why does my heart still beat when seeing him and hearing his name. These days, I have been wishing that he'll just wake up. I always thought about what to do when he wakes up, what would we do? Why would I think those things if I don't have feeling for him, right? But something tells me that I loved him dearly since why else would I have decided to remember again and saying goodbye to even that delusion of mine was too hard and sad to do. Also, here I am trying so hard, visiting the hospital and psychiatrist to remember. My life was good when I didn't know but a part of me wanted it back. No, all of me wanted the memory back. Not by curiosity but...but I just felt like it.

What has Jungkook done to my life that I love him this much?!

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