You can make a dragon curve using binary numbers. All you have to do is make a list of binary numbers how ever long you want. Then you need to divide each binary number that can be divided by ten untill the zeros are gone.If u could imagine the number of times you have to divide for each even number and you see the numbers would mach up to the pattern of a ruler marks. That is hard to explain in words the most.
Once the zeros are gone all the numbers become odd. In the column to the left of the ones are 1s and 0s of course but just imagine the ones as left and the 0s as right then just remember that pattern or write it down. Probably write it down so u don't forget.
Then use those left right directions and make 90 turns with equal length lines. Then just do that to draw a dragon curve from binary numbers.
Also you can make the dragon curve using a strip of paper and fold it in half like 6 times then unfold it and if you get the angles to be about 90 degrees then u will have it again.
The creases in the paper will go up or down, if u imagine up as left and down as right then it will mach the same pattern made with the listed binary numbers after the division.
RandomBinary, hexadecimal, colors, and dragon curve. How the computer can search and also raster vs vector.