The Crush: P.O.V Audrey

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  I hate Monday mornings. I hate going to school, mostly because I can't sleep in, or wear what I want, and the biggest thing I hate about school is the fact that I can't listen to music whenever I want to.
    Well, it's 6:30 I better get up and get ready for school.
I got up and went downstairs. I grabbed an apple and a yogurt and headed back upstairs. I ate the apple and the yogurt while I checked my phone. When I was done, I grabbed one of my school uniforms, then I grabbed my charger and my phone and went to take a shower. I turned on my Machine Gun Kelly YouTube playlist and got into the shower. I got out, wrapped my body and my hair in two separate towels and went to get dressed. My school uniform consists of what you are thinking a catholic girl uniform looks like except I'm not catholic or go to a catholic school. 
That's when my best friend, Jaz, called.
"Hey, what's up!"
"Nothing much! Are you already?"
"Ya. I will be down in 20 minutes."
"Okay. I will be there in 2."
"Ok. I love you."
"I love you, too. Bye."

So I grabbed my backpack and headed downstairs. My best friend, Jaz, is outside waiting like she always does at 7:40. Like she always is at the same time everyday. "Hey!""Hey, ready?""No! I'm down here because I'm not ready." I said that really sarcastically. "Well, someone's grumpy!" "No. Sorry that came out really mean." "It's fine. Let's just get to school!"



Ew. I hate gym. It's even worse having it first period. It always makes me sweaty and my face gets shiny. Well at least there is a really cute guy in my class. His name is Garrett. 

I have Personal Finance next at least it's always cold in there.
Dammit the AC isn't on. Things are not going my way today.
"Hey AJ. You just had gym right?"
"Ya. Wh....." Oh. My. Lanta. Jay is talking to me. Why? I thought he thought I was creepy.
"Sorry. I thought you were Jaz!"
"Well, um, she is the only one who calls me AJ!"
"Oh. I'm sorry. I won't call you that anymore!"
"No. No. No. It's okay. It was my fault. I don't mind. So why did you want to know if I had gym this morning or not?"
"Because I want to know what we are doing!"
"Oh. Volleyball still."
"Oh. Ok. Thanks."
"No problem."
So I go sit back down in my seat and I text Jaz.
"Hey. Guess who just talked to me?"
"Hey. Who?"
"Wait like 'him'?"
"OMG. Why?"
"All he wanted to know was what we were doing in gym today."
"Oh. Well it's a start."
"And probably the end. "
"Don't think like that. Things could have changed. He was standing in gym during our class today and I kept seeing him look at you."
"Really? He was in there?"
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"Class. I will tell you later."
Why didn't she tell me that he was in there. I thought she was my best friend. Audrey Jane stop thinking like that, she is your best friend and there's probably a good explanation for her not telling me.
So after Personal Finance, I went down to the lunch room. Lunch today was chicken patty, the one thing the school can't mess up.
"So..... why didn't you tell me 'he' was in the gym during class?"
"Okay there is a good explanation for it."
"Okay let me hear it."
"Because we were winning and I didn't want you to get distracted."
"Oh. That makes sense. Thanks."
"I gotcha boo."
"I love you."
"I love you too."
Well this chapter is just a bunch of fluff but the real topic is coming.
 Thank you.

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