Chapter Three

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  "Yo. Class is over."

I wake up to Jane poking me with a pencil.

"You totally just slept through out the whole lesson."

"Why didn't you wake me up?"

"You just looked so peaceful. Like a new born puppy."

I gave her an unamused look.

"Don't look at me like that! Its not my fault you fell asleep!"

"You could have at least woken me up."

"Hey here's your pencil."  Aiden said coming  up to the both of us.

I looked at the pencil as if had a disease.

"Keep it."

Even though that was one of my favorite pencils I would have to part with out it because god knows where those hands have been. Now before you all go beserk on me let me tell you, I've seen boys like this or should I say like this type, also known as the player type.

He shrugged and walked towards the door just as he was about to walk  out he looked back.

"Oh and by the way, I am." He said giving us a wink and leaving.

"Oh my god. He heard us."

"Fuck, now I bet he thinks we wanna get with him."

"I mean I would.."

"Okay gross. Too much information Jane too much."

She laughed and slapped my arm.

"Whatever let's just go to our next class."

The day went by in a flash and soon it was 3:20 which ment time to go.

I headed towards my locker and waited for Jane. She always gave me a ride after school and yes I know how to drive its just that my parents don't trust me, they say I'm too reckless but in my opinion I drive better than half the people on the road.

Bzz bzz

From: J
Hey sorry I won't be able to give you a ride! Left home early 'cause I was feeling sick!:(

Damn, it was already 4:00 and almost everyone was gone.

To: J
Its alright! Hope you feel better.

What the hell was I suppose to do now?  I thought to myself as I exited the school.

I mean I guess I could walk, but my legs started to ache as I thought about the 40 minute walk to my house. As you can tell I'm not really athletic.

Pulling out my iPod I put my head phones in and started walking. Not even a minute later I felt drops .

Are you shitting me right now?

I walked faster but the drops fell harder and harder.

I started running, but the rain was really pouring down. I could barely see two feet in front of me.

Suddenly a black car drove up next to me.

"Get in!" The driver shouts through the car window.

Oh hell no, I am not getting kidnapped.

I urge my legs to go faster but the side walk is slippery and I fall straight on my face.

The car stops and the driver gets out, he picks me up and throws me over his shoulder.

Panicking I start screaming like a banshee. I am not going down without a fight.

"Bella stop fighting me."

"Who are you and how do you know my name?"

He opens the passenger door and throws me in.

I start screaming again and bang on the window.


That voice sounds familiar.

"Would you calm down? Its me Aiden." He pulled his hood down and I was automatically relived but that was short lived as it was replaced with anger.

I punched him in the arm, but ended up hurting myself more than him. What the heck? Is his arm made out of freaking steel?!

"What was that for?!"

"You just freaking kidnapped me!"

"I did not. I was trying to help you out."

"I didn't need any help. I was just walking home from school." I said crossing my arms .

"Yeah in the pouring rain." I heard him mumble under his breath.

"Where do you live?"

"I'm not gonna tell you."

I heard him sigh.

Okay, maybe Im being a little bit of a brat .

"721 Cranston Rd."

He nodded and started driving.

Even with the heat on I could feel my self shivering. I know for a fact I was going to end up sick due to my sucky immune system.


I looked to see Aiden offering me his sweater.

I slipped it on and was immediately engulfed by his colonge.

We didn't say anything for the rest of the drive but it wasn't awkward. He pulled in into my driveway and parked the car.

Unbuckling my seatbelt I looked at him and  got out.

"Hey, thanks for the ride."

He nodded but didn't say anything.

I walked towards my house ,turning to give a little wave but he was already gone.

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