Chapter Four

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It was currently 8:00am and I was dying. I woke up with a high fever and runny nose. The minute my mom saw me she sent me back to bed.

Hurray for me right? No.

See I hated missing school because that ment I would be a day behind which then ment I would have  more homework and god knows I hate homework.

"Mom." I croaked, my throat and mouth felt drier than the saharah dessert.

"Mom." Still no answer, I looked at the clock and it read 8:30, she was already at work.

Wrapping the covers around me like a small burrito, I tried to stand up but a wave of dizziness overtook me.

I felt awful.

Debating if I should stay in bed, I heard my stomach make the loudest noise known to man.

Food is calling my name.Mustering up all the energy that I could I finally stood up.

It took me about 15 minutes to get to my kitchen due to the fact I was walking slower than a snail.

Once in the kitchen I made myself a Pb&J which my stomach thanked me for.

Now the real problem was making it up the stairs, all 30 steps.

Wrapping my blanket tighter around me I started on my journey.

Lots of sweat and huffing later I finally made it to the last two steps. Sweet victory was seconds away.

I went to step on the last step but my foot got caught on my blanket and I went tumbling down.

Fuck my life.

As Taylor swift would say 'now I'm lying on the cold hard ground "

With a groan I tried to get up but my whole body protested. Still lying on the ground I fell asleep.

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