its almost the end!

13 1 4

i,m so sorry diary! once again i have not wrote in you for a long time i have been to busy with classes! well lets get on with the story, its almost the end of the school year! witch made me pretty sad i,m going to miss the science teacher shes so nice! but me and Marie made a plan in the middle of the school year that we would both do collage on our computer(if that made since)sorry if anything i say does not make since i,m really hyper right now! i ate a ton of candy! anyways, we already done collage so now we can move on with our lives! me and Marie,s dream was to become scientist,s! so we decided to get a lab! me and Marie had money but we did not have enough to buy the lab, it was pretty cheap since it was really old and starting to cave in but we had enough to at least to repair the damages. if we get the money to buy it that is.

Jackie(W.I.P)Where stories live. Discover now