why did i do that...

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OH............MY..........GOD.........i,m crying a bit right now......but i,m not that sad, i mean i,m a scientist of course i,m going to research the human body but i did not want to research like this. i felt like i murdered someone, like there was blood on my hands, i looked over at Marie to see if she was shocked but..........she was,int she was just tacking notes on how the stab wound affected the head, all my life i have wanted to be a scientist and wanted to study the human body......and i knew that research sometimes went this way, and i prepared myself for when i would have to research this way, so if i prepared myself then why am i socked now..? i,m scared and i even told Maria my feeling about this and all she did was ignore me and tack notes....i was confused she always listened to me...

Jackie(W.I.P)Where stories live. Discover now