Chapter 7

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I don't know why Scarlett is leading me to the amusement park but I guess it's part of this stupid project. Watching Scarlett pay for the tickets and then walked inside the gate, I shortly followed after her. "So what's so important about this place?" Scarlett just ignored me and walked up to the Ferris wheel.

Rolling my eyes I followed her once again, I can already tell that this will be the worst time of my life. After Scarlett and I were seated in our seat the man pressed the button and the ride started started moving. "So care to explain why we're here?" Scarlett gripped the handle bars, "I spent the last day with my mum here."

I had no idea what to say so I just listened. "My mum she had a heart disease and past away 11 years ago and it was a big change in my life" I was just staring ahead sinking her words in but then I faintly hear her whisper the last words over again.

Scarlett P.O.V

That's the first time I've ever told someone that, it feels so good letting someone else know what happened in my life well half of it anyway. "That must have been hard at the age of 7" it was... Wait"Justin I wasn't 7 I was 10 years old" I was just waiting for him to realize how old I was "but then that would make you 21 this year..."

For the rest of the ride I didn't say anything more I didn't want to, I just wanted to go home and away from Justin. The Ferris wheel came to a stop and we both climbed out. "SCAR!!" spinning around to see Shane running up to us. "Oh hey Shane." At the corner of my eye I could see Justin roll his eyes. "Do you wanna grab something to eat?" well I am hungry and I know Justin won't take me.

Nodding my head I walked towards Shane, I turned around about to tell Justin goodbye when I felt a hand grab my hand. I looked down and see Shane holding my small hand in his large one, I smiled up at him. "Goodbye Justin" "Wait turns out I'm also hungry so I'll come with you guys."

Truth was I was shocked, I've never seen Justin so desperate to hang out with me or was it just for the food. We went to the nearest take away shop which was McDonald's sadly. "Scarlett do you know what you want yet?" I looked to my left to see Shane staring at me, nodding my head I placed the menu down back on the table.

The waitress finally came over and we gave her our orders, I just got the simple cheeseburger meal, Shane kept whispering in my ear making me laugh at his stupidest while Justin just looked like he wanted to die. So this is what it's like to have a friend.

"Shane will we always be friends?" I was hoping he would say yes, because there was something about Shane that makes me feel needed. Our food came and at the word, both of the boys started eating like pigs. "Of course Scarlett." Shane said with food falling out of his mouth I was just staring at them. "Are you gonna eat or just keep staring?" Justin asked with a mouth full of food. I soon snapped out of it and picked up my burger.

"I'm sorry Scarlett but my mum wants me home, I'll see you tomorrow at school" Shane got up off the chair and kissed my forehead before leaving Justin and I... alone. "So Scarlett if your 21 then how come your still in school?" I finished eating the last of my food then looked up at him "I... didn't have the money so I had to wait a few years until I did."

After answering that question Justin and I stopped talking, sometimes we would take a glace at one another but other then that it was awkward. Grabbing my phone out of my bag after hearing it start to play Irreplaceable by Beyonce looking at

the caller ID, my palms already started to sweat because of how scared I was.

Pressing the answer button and bringing the phone to my ear. "Hello" I whispered I was hoping he wouldn't yell because then people around here would hear him from the speaker. "WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU?!" well there goes not hearing him "getting something to eat I'm on my way home right now." I didn't let him finish I just hanged up not even thinking about what he could do to me once I'm home.

"I'm sorry but I have to go" Justin was about to speak but before he could I was already running out the door and towards my car. Already it's gonna take me about 20 minutes to get home, I was trying to hold in the fear so I could face dad, images if last night still clear and I know that no matter what I do now there's no way out, this is now my life.

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