Chapter 23

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It's been 3 days, I haven't left the house well that's because I'm scared I'll see Justin but I guess I'm gonna see him sooner or later since I'm working at his school, If I was still in school I would also be in year 12 but I never want to be a student at that school ever and I mean EVER again.

"Scarlett are you almost done, you don't want to be late for the first day" I hear Luke downstairs, this is like school all over again but instead I'm the schools nurse. "Yeah I'm done, I'll see you guys tonight" I grabbed my hand bag off the table and jogged outside, did I mention it's winter it's so cold and they want me to wear this.

I mean come on who makes someone wear a mid thigh black shirt with one of those blue nurse tops, I'm so lucky I can change back into my clothes after my shift is over which sadly isn't until 6:00. I looked in front of me to see a group of students, shit I can see Chaz... That means Justin might be there.

"Hey Scarlett long time no see" Chaz walked over to me "I'm sorry but my name is Demi not Scarlett so if you mind I'll like to walk to work now." I walked past him and started power walking "Justin isn't happy about what you did" my feet wanted to just give out but I knew if I fall in front of them out of breath then Chaz will catch on that it's really me.

"You must be Miss Lovato it's nice to meet you, please follow me I'll show you your office" I followed the big tall man with the suit, at the thought of his suit I giggled at what Sammie said last night 'Scarlett don't trust a man in a suit.' "Here it is now there might be a lot of kids come in here because this school is one of the rough ones, so please who ever goes home please write down their names." I nodded my head while looking around at the boring room, but hey most nurses offices are boring and white.

The man left leaving me to do whatever, he said I can decorate the room you bet I will, I can't go working in a room like this it would give me a headache just standing here.

I placed my bag on the table "Its only for a few weeks Scarlett" I tried to remind myself. I walked over to the window and looked out to see some students standing there smoking, of course how could I forget the smoking area in front of the nurses office. Well this will be fun. "So your the new nurse, I never would of took you as the nurse type" I spun around to see Jimmy leaning on the door frame "What are you doing here?" I asked with a grin "Well I've been the gym teacher for 2 months now."

"Wait what happened to Mr. Henderson?" "You didn't hear, he went to jail fir selling drugs to the students" of course he did. "Oh okay well the bell is about to go so you better go to class" I smiled at him while pulling up the window blinds. "Okay bye Scarlett" he said about to leave... shit I told him my real name didn't I "umm Jimmy please call me Miss Lovato in school hours?" he nodded his head before walking out. Why do I have a feeling I won't even last long before someone finds out who I really am.

I just finished the room I guess it's okay can be better but I'll get through it. "Miss Lovato there was an accident in the gym" a tall girl with long blonde hair came running in my room, I dropped the pen in my hand and ran out if the room with the girl to the gym.

"Mr. Lane Miss Lovato is here" Jimmy looked up with panic in his eyes "I don't know what to do, he has asthma and he got tackled down by Justin" "Wait Justin did this?" "yes, can you help him?" I walked up to the student "okay can you tell me your name?" "Harry..." he's the kid from the restaurant...

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