Chapter 20

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5 months later

I haven't talked with Justin since the day I told him goodbye, and now I never want to because I'm scared of what he will say or do. "Scarlett I'm nervous about today, I mean we've never got a big case like this what if we get killed?" Rolling my eyes I turned around in the bed to see Luke staring back at me. "Luke it's going to be okay and the only thing we should be worrying about us the kids safety."

"What time is it?" I turned my head a little to see the time "it's 4:05 we better get up and get ready or we're gonna be late to the airport" I threw the blanket off and walked over to my walk in closet in nothing but my panties and bra, but it's okay Luke has seen it all.

"Hey do you think Sam would be up yet?" I poked my head out the door to see Luke pulling up his pants "It's Sammie of course she would be up, I just wonder if Nick and Chris are up because they need to look after the house while we're gone."

The 3 of us jumped into the taxi and we were off. I hope while we're there I won't see Justin or some of his stupid ass friends. "Scarlett what if I meet a really cute guy, OMG do you know how amazing that would be" I couldn't help but laugh at how Sammie was acting.

"Sammie we're here to find the people who kidnapped those little kids, then we finish this case we head back here so there shouldn't be time to check out boys" Luke said getting on the plane before us "Well someone needs to get laid" Sammie whispered to me, the both of us jumped on the plane after Luke laughing our butts off.

Once we landed in Canada, it didn't take us long to find the house that Mick who is our boss let us stay in while we're here "Okay I wanna go shopping but I have no idea where to go, please Scar come with me?" how could I say no I mean Sammie was one if my bestest friends "Okay fine Luke you wanna come?" he nodded his head while wrapping his arms around our waist "with you ladies, how could I say no."

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