Chapter 6: New found enamy's. Friend or Foe??

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waking to the sun light shining on my face. I stretched looking for the cold grass under my paws. but all I found was warm cloth or so iv become to learn 'sheets,.

I'm not found of 'blankets' and 'sheets' but June insists that I use them. something about getting a cold if I don't. I now have been here a week. I haven't turned back. I have had many dreams about my pack mother must be worried. I miss them.

I crawl out of the bed and on to the cold hard wood floor. I just lay there for a few moments and take in the cold. I prefer the cold to the suffocating 'blankets' . June has found me sleeping on the floor a few times I have been scolded for it every time.

"rue? are u up yet? rue!? u better not be laying on the floor again! if I go in there and u are ur gonna be in trouble again!" June yells from I assume the kitchen she loves to cook. I'm always smelling her cooking. and by the smell of it she made blueberry bread things again. 'muffins' I believe she calls them. she knows I like them.

one week. and she really is taking her time really getting to know me. I don't say much but she seams to understand. I guess that's a human mother.

I crawl to the bathroom so she won't find me on the floor again. yet I get in trouble for crawling on the floor she rather I walk. I have gotten kinda the hang of it but I don't like it.

"rue?" June is standing in the hall as I crawl across. "get up rue." she looks irritated. she's giving me the same look mother dose when I chew my dinner bone to bits. she hates when I do that. I like what's inside.

I use the 'wall' to pull myself up. walls? I still don't understand them and why there are so many in there den.

"run its time u tell me why u crawl around and don't speak. Allen said u haven't told him either. and Ian said u have never said a word to him.

Ian. the alpha of this house. yes I haven't said anything to him. its kinda a respect thing to my alpha.

"u won't believe me." is all I say.I refuse to look at her. she won't understand and I don't want to try I don't want to be here long. I wantes to leave the day I came. they are all nice but I miss my pack.

she sighs. another one and its only morning. I spend the mornings with June then she leaves to 'work' and a few hours later Allen comes back from his lessons. I off ten wonder if its hunting lessons but he says its 'math' or 'history'.  makes no sence to me.

"I have to go to work early today rue. I have a big nearing to day. Allen will be back early today his afternoon lesson has a final he don't have to take." she looks at me to make sure I'm listening. I nod. "I made the blueberry muffins u like. will u be OK on ur own for a bit longer then normal today?" she asks. I look at her and nod. "thank u" I say quietly. she gives me a weak smile nods and heads off. a few moments latter I hear the door gently close.


I spend my day sitting at the kitchen table. I don't know what else to do. iv been told not to leave the 'house' alone. but if I can't I don't know how I'm supposed to find my pack.

as June said Allen come back about a hour earlier then normal.he says hi grabs a muffin and head up to his room. I have yet been up the 'stairs' . I nod mostly to myself. and move to the living room.

after only a few moments I nod off a bit.

what seams like only minutes two hours pass as I nap on the 'sofa'. the door in the kitchen swinging open wakes me. I'm not expecting June to be back for at least another three hours and not Ian for another four.

since iv come here iv never met anyone of Allen's friends. he never let's them in when they stop by he always leaves with them.

so when a tall buff boy with black hair a pricing green eyes enters the room I jump in to defence mode. and he seams to as well when he sees me.

in a great big startling voice he shouts. "ALLEN!" and in moments Allen is at the bottom of the stairs.

I am now behind the couch as to that is where i jumped I defence. the in known boy is stand clear on the other end of the room. being as far from me as he seams to can get. 

"Allen what are u doing letting an outsider in to the home of the alpha!?" the boys voice is demanding but dose not give off the power of authority but it still sends shivers down my body.

"outsider? I found her last week out on the far side of town near the forest. don't accuse her." all defends and his voice has authority.

the growling that seams to have been coming from the boy stops. and he sighs and shakes his head.

" Allen she  a wolf like us. u must have not noticed. she kinda smells like u. so it must have mixed with urs in noticed. but she is an outsider. why didn't the alpha say anything?"

"corey u know my dad is only just getting  used to all this he don't have the blood like us he is just only human. if ur dad didn't make him take the alpha he wouldn't know anything about all this. but how do u know what she is. I cant even get her to talk much." Allen plops on the couch in front of me. kinda in a protective manor.

"her sent. and the fact her eyes changed color the moment I can in the room. and can't u hear her growling?" the boy corey crouches down near the front door. keeping his eyes on me the entire time.

Allen flips around on the couch to stare at me. "I though it was u! I can't believe it ur right. damn her eyes are like ice blue right now. they are normally a ocean blue. there really pretty."

a loud growl rips threw the room. all eyes are now on corey as he is now shaking uncontrollably. it looks like his skin is going to rip at any minuet. his eyes have now turned a bright emerald green.

"corey cool it! mom will kill me if her living room is ruined again and dad will have my head if he has to pay for it again. what is with......" Allen doesn't even finish his sentence and he is looking at me again. "OK corey I se it its cool I understand now cool ur jets." Allen sighs and puts his hands up in surrender.

"she's ur mate isn't she?"

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