Chapter 1: "The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off."

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"Laurel honey we have a guest come down and greet him." 

      This is all I heard waking up in the morning. Wait, was it morning? Damn, it felt like it was six A.M on a Monday but in all reality it was, noon on a Saturday. Ugh I really do hate Saturdays. They were filled with the conspiracy my mom used to make my blind dates she set up think we are the perfect family. Leading them to think I'd be the perfect person to court and later on get married and bare what ever man that courted me a child or two. Well he has a rude wakening for him.

     My mother always blames me every time I supposedly "let another one get away". She dis approves for the fact a boy has never come courting me more then once. After the first date they usually just don't find me as appealing. I am not saying I am horribly unattractive. Sure I have some things going for me, Long dark hair, tall skinny and gray eyes. I have been told I am attractive to look at but not attractive in the way I act.

     My mother yelled again, "Laurel, NOW! Some nice young man has come to see you." she yelled in a slightly more threatening tone.

     "Coming coming, no need to get your old granny panties in a twist." I commented the last part in more of a whisper and hoped she didn't actually hear me.

     I dressed in my finest white dress, which by the way wasn't much because even though we lived in a large estate it was my fathers before he died, and we all know my mother wouldn't dare work a day in her life. She didn't even make her new jackass of a husband work he just sat around all day like some fat lazy bum. Go figure she only married him because he had money in the bank but now that's all gone. she claims she still loves him but I've seen how they treat each other. Yeah yeah the same old story. Love. I don't truly believe it exists anymore. The only time I have ever experienced love was when I was just a baby swaddled into my mothers arms with my dad peering down at us. That was just hours before my father died leaving my mother cold hearted and wicked from mourning to long. Only good people deserve to fall in love. No one from around these parts will ever be considered good in my book.

     I descend the stares but first trying to catch a glimpse of the boy from town that had decided to court me once then just leave me. This time I didn't recognize the masculine young males face I could just tell he didn't seem like he was from around here and he seemed wealthy. Hmm I wonder who he is? I slipped on the rug at the base of the grand stare case and attempted to catch my balance when I fell. I was expecting the fall to hurt and be a good blow. I prepared my self for impact. It never came. The handsome stranger who caught me was peering deeply into my eyes....

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