I recognized my savior but all too soon. He was my crush for many years, the Star football player could be a model type of boy.
He looked so much different. I hadnen't seen him for a few years. He moved away when his father went on business. At first I didn't recognize him, but how could I forget the person who helped make my life a living hell in more ways then one. It just had to be Keegan at my house. My luck.
Why must girls fall for the jerk? I didn't realize that I was thinking to my self until Keegan put my feet solidly on the floor steadying me by keeping his large hands over my slim hips.
"Are you alright?" He sounded slightly frantic but his emotionless face told me otherwise.
"I'm fine." I breathed when in the process of staring at his plump lips. Damn why did I have to literally fall right into the jerks arms.
"Are you sure that seemed like a long fall." Keegan replied with his hands still holding loosely at my lower back. To low if you ask me...
"Yeah I'm fine but the question is how are you I haven't seen you in three years I barely recognized you." I examined his facial features blocking out what ever he was saying until I heard him use a deep light chuckle.
"Hmm? what was that?" I asked totally oblivious to the situation I threw myself into.
"I said I know I'm good looking but I should be the one checking you out. You've absolutely became stunning." He was right in one way. He was very good looking. Strong jaw line soft silky dirty blonde hair that would make any girl want to run her fingers through it.
"Stop you know I'm shy and your embarrassing me in front of my mother." I tried to play along by trying to flirt but to no avail my mother stepped in on the conversation.
"So Keegan why are you here to see my gorgeous daughter?" I quietly snickered at her attempt to make me seem better then I am.
"I have come to court your beautiful daughter, and take her on a special date." He tried to impress my mom with this statement, and it was working to his advantage.
"Well then I'll leave you love birds to it." My mother cockily replied. I could tell she really was fond of Keegan. She always set me up with the richest most available guys in our clan. The guys always looked for the "pure" girls to seek after. I obviously am not the slutty type and nor have never had any intimate relations with anyone from the opposite sex... Hell I haven't even had a boyfriend yet.
I didn't realize how awkward the situation became when my mother left the room. Nor did I realize I was still tightly gripping on Keegan's white t-shirt as he held my hips still. The bright side of this awkward situation is that I could smell his light but still manly scent and could feel his rippling muscles under the thin cotton fabric of his now greatly wrinkled soft T-shirt.
"Lets go on our date Laurel. But first let me blind fold you so its a surprise." He gaped.
He is blind folding me? I am not even sure if I should trust him at this point. My first instinct is to not go on the date and turn him down but then he pulls me closer to his warm body and pulls out a bandana and ties it around my eyes and begins pulling me out to his truck before I can protest. Mhmm this bandanna does have his sweet masculine smell too it and so does his truck. Maybe I'm just over reacting. Or maybe I should be concerned to where he is dragging me...
A picture of Keegan on the side. :)
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