
17 1 4

Just breathe.
Just breathe.
Just breathe.
My mind repeatedly chanted. The sharp inhale of the winter wind was enough to make my lungs heave. The snow that was heavily falling soaked through my dark brown combat boots. The burgundy scarf on my neck helped somewhat, and my grey ski-hat covered my frozen-red ears. My chapped lips, and red nose completed my outfit-dark skinny jeans, an evergreen loose long sleeved shirt, and a huge black winter coat along with burgundy mittens. My ebony-brown hair had recently been cut short, with long layers and a face frame. It wasn't too short- maybe three inches below the ear, an inch above my shoulders.

The bitter wind nipped my nose again as I reached down to make a snowball. My little sister, okay so she's thirteen years old- Kat, well Katherine, that's her name. She's quite a beauty. With her long, wavy ebony-brown hair, fascinating turquoise eyes, plump red lips, and fair skin. I couldn't say I was ugly either, but I wasn't as beautiful as her. Ebony-brown straight hair,grey-turquoise eyes, plump pink lips, and fair skin; that's what I had. She was taller than me though. Her 5'8", and I, 5'2". While she was thirteen, I was seventeen.

"SNOWBALL FIGGGHHHTTTT!" Kat yelled, aiming a large snowball at my head.

"Oh it's on!" I hissed out, taking my snowball and throwing it at her shoulder.

See we were the type of people who built snow forts-which we did. We spent two hours building the forts, made entirely of icy snow. They were small but durable. Just big enough to hide us both. We were both easily happy children.

Suddenly I shrieked, causing the snowball to fly upwards, falling back down into the snow. Two muscular arms wrapped around my waist. But through his heavy dark brown jacket, you couldn't feel the muscle all too well. His warm breath muttered a,"Hey, spinach face," in my ear.

"Hey dickwad." I whispered back, adding, "Get off me you're making me lose!"

"Fine. But only because you're my best friend and the only girl not trying to ride on this train."

"What the hell!! You are absolutely repulsive and disgusting." I punch his shoulder. 

"Hi Kat!" He doesn't reply to me and makes a snow ball before throwing it at me.

Attempting to flip him off, but failing because of my mittens, Kat laughs out "You two have the weirdest friendship ever. I'm leaving, Au revior!"

As she walks into our house, I run to the black-messily styled haired, baby-blue eyed, olive-skin toned, guy I call my best friend and tackle him to the ground.

"Wyatt, why the heck are you trying to seduce me infront of Kat?!"

"I'm not! I swear! I...I..."

"I'm joking you big idiot." I kiss his cheek in a friendly manner and get off him.

"I totally knew you were just...joking." He ran his red and now shaking hands through his hair.

Leaning back down, I help him get up, "Come on. I want some coffee and you're gonna make me those amazing chocolate-chip cookies."

"What do I get out of this?" He says standing up.

"A complimentary shower, and ummmmm..."

"You make me coffee too?"

"Definitely. Wanna race?"

"Nope. But, here." He ducked down from his 5'11" height to an attempt at my height. Jumping on his back, I wrap my arms and legs around him, allowing him to stand up. He grabs onto my ankles and starts running towards my house.

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