I mean seriously, when will I get better?

2 1 0

Three months had past. Three god damn months. For the past two days I kept throwing up.

"Are you okay?" Emily looked truly concerned.

"Do I fucking look okay to you?" I scream back.

Wyatt sat in my bedroom, and flinched. Emily looked taken aback. I never really yelled at people. Usually I was pretty calm and collected. Trust me, I had my moments, everyone does, but today I could not get my shit together. All I wanted to do is sleep and cry.

Oh and puke.

Wyatt stormed into my bathroom, which was across the hall from my bedroom, whilst Emily walked out, quite quickly.

He slammed my bathroom door shut and hissed out, "Why are you being such a bitch?I get that you're sick, but why the hell are you being such a-"

"I get it I'm a bitch. But I don't know why! Okay, I just don't feel good at all. It's almost the end of August, college is starting soon, so I don't know!"

Wyatt noticed I had started to shake, so he grabbed my shoulders and sat me on the edge of the tub.

"Look I get you're moving to L.A and you're stressed out, like insanely stressed out; but you need to stop. Stop consistently crying and stop being rude to everyone. We're going to the cabin up north for the last few weeks of summer, and you're going to enjoy it."

"Fine. I'll be nicer. Plus I should be fine by next week." I try to smile.

As he's halfway to my bedroom he turns around; telling me, "And please brush your teeth, your breathe smells awful."

Rolling my eyes I flush the toilet, and turn on the hot water in the sink; washing my hands and then brushing my teeth.


As I put the last bit of information on the hospital forms Emily asks, "Are you sure you don't need me?"

"Trust me, I'll be fine."

"Well you did wake up with a fever of 106 degrees so..."

"Look, I'll be fine..."

"You also passed out on stairs-"

"That was from my deficiency of iron."

"Either way you're not okay, or fine, or any of that bull-shit."

"If you want to stay, then stay." I stand up and go to the front desk, handing the secretary my paperwork, giving her a soft smile.


"You must be Ms. Erea Salvino." The doctor whom had the nametag of "Dr.Halt."

"Yes, hello Dr.Halt." I shook her soft, warm hand, her skin the color of chocolate.

"Please take a seat." She motions for me to sit up on the hospital bed. As she looks at the clipboard she says, "So here you stated that you've been consistently throwing up, have had nausea, and fainted. Is that correct?"

"Yes." I place my hands in my lap.

"In your medical history it shows you've have had Kawasaki disease, and VSD, you know what VSD is right?"

"Yes, it was the hole in my heart but it's closed up."

"Okay, have you had any sexual activity recently?"

"Um, a few months ago, nothing recently."

"When you had this sexual activity, did you use protection?"

"Uh, no. But I took a morning after pill."

Dr.Haltz rummages through some cabinets and pulls something out. Handing me an orange cup with a white cap, she writes my name on it. "I need you to urinate in this. We'll run some tests, and then we'll look and see if you're pregnant."

"Ok." I say before I dash into the nearest bathroom.


It had to be about half an hour later. The clock on the wall kept ticking. I honestly just wanted to break it.

The doctor walked back in. Finally. I let out a deep breathe.

"Ms. Salvino it seems you're about three months pregnant. You're nearing your second trimester, you should make an appointment in a month. Just a check-up, make sure you're okay. Do you know who the father is?"

Tears welling in my eyes, I shake my head and whisper "No." But I do know who, but I can't tell him.

A/N: This took forever to write. I went through about six writers blocks, and then I gave up. So this is basically just a filler. The next chapter will time jump to the birth. If you think the story will be rushed by me doing hat, trust me it won't.

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