The Begining

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Andy's POV

"Thank you San Diego. You've been a great crowd," I said into the microphone as I walked off the stage, taking in what had just happened.

Even though I've been doing this for a while I still am amazed at how many people actually like our music; and the whole scene just seems unreal. I walked over to my band (also my best friends) and grabed some water. "Crazy show today," CC said.

"I know right," Ashley replied taking a sip of water and sitting down.

"Ya especially cuz Lea was there," I finally said.

Lea is CC's little sister. Shes only about 2 years younger then me but CC still treats her like she's 13. I mean you can't blaim him, he is her older brother.

"Hey guys," I heard, snapping me out of thought, then looking to the doorway and seeing Lea walk in with her camera.

"Hey Lea," we all replied in unison.

"I've got some great photos of the show. I can't wait for you to see them," she said looking at us and sitting down.

Lea is a photography student in colledge, even though she's only done 3 years so far she's really talented. Right now Lea was taking photos of the band on Warped Tour during her summer break. Sense this was the second to last show we all decided to go on a vacation before Lea had to go back to school and we had to go on tour.

"Sounds cool," I said not looking at her, it always made me nervous if our eyes met.

"Ya. I think you'll really like them," she said tucking her hair behind her ear and playing with her camera a little.

Lea's POV

I was laying on my bed in the hotel room staring at the ceiling. My face was stained with tears. I just couldn't help but cry. The voices were back telling me about how useless and fat I am. My arm was freshly stained with blood and it stung like hell from the fresh cuts. Just then I heard a knock on the door.

"Lea, its Christan we were wondering if you wanted to go get dinner with us"

"No thanks," I relpied.

"Ok we'll just pick some up for you," he said then left.

I groaned. I didn't want any food even though my stomach was growling. So I got up and grabed some water; then washed my arms and face, put on a sweat shirt and sweat pants and grabed my lap top.

Once I downloaded the photos I closed my lap top and layed down. I tried to sleep but I couldn't, so I just layed there lost in thought. All of a suden there was a knock on the door. I groanded and got up and pulled down the sleeves of my sweat shirt and opened the door. "What do you want Christian," I ask without looking at who's there.

"Um CC wanted me to bring you some salad from the resturaunt," I heard then looked up at Andy and his eyes met mine then I quickly looked to the box he was holding.

"Oh sorry I thought you were Christan. Um do you want to come in and talk for a little," I asked biting my lip almost certain he would say no, I mean why would someone as perfect as him want to hang out with a freak like me.

"Ya sure," he said and walked in.

I closed the door behind him. My heart was racing. I've had a crush on Andy forever. The only problem was that Christan didn't really like us hanging out I dont know why but he didn't. I sat next to him on the bed and took the salad and put it on the desk. "Thanks," I mumbled.

"No problem. So um how was school? We havn't really talked all tour," he said.

I thought for a moment about all the topics we've talked about over the tour. He's right, we really only talk about school, music, and the photos.

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