Chapter 12

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I go back to our condo at about noon. Hmm Andy and Lea aren't hear, oh well. I grab a beer from the fridge and sit down on the couch. I heard a knock on the door and I groan as I stand up and answer it. I look down to see my mom. Fuck. I totally forgot. "Hey mom, um how did you find this place you didn't text me," I said nervously.

"Jinxx told me," she simply said and walked in. Don't get me wrong the woman's nice as fuck but you don't want to mess with her.

"Oh ok," I said bringing her suitcase inside and putting it in the guest room, which used to be Andy's room.

"Where are Lea and Andy," she asked looking around.

"Um I'm not sure. They were asleep when I left, and when I came back they wern't hear. They're probably just using the last little amount of time they have together before we go on tour and Lea goes back to school," I said sitting back down on the couch.

She sat down next to me and said," oh... Ok. As long as she's alright."

"Don't worry mom. If anything ever did happen to her I would deal with it. Besides she's with Andy what could happen, the guy's like 6'3" and can punch like fuck," I said reassuringly.

"Ya. So how was tour," she asked changing the subject.

"It was really fun, especially with Lea there," I said smiling.

"That's good. So are you enjoying spending time with your sister," she asked.

"Ya of course. It's just that ever sense she got together with Andy she only spends time with him, and we get into fights a lot," I said sighing.

"Well brothers and sisters always fight. As for her always being with Andy, well she only has so long before they leave each other for a year," she said. She was right, damn how is she always right. Then she continued saying," and love it a special thing. I know, when I first met your father we were inseperable, we still are. True love never dies."

"How do you know that what Lea and Andy have is true love," I asked thinking about it.

"I know. I've seen that look before, that they give each other. Even before they were together you could easily tell," she said smiling.

"I never noticed," I said. Well remembering back I could always see a connection, I just didn't know what it was.

"Well you probably did, you just didn't want it to happen," she said, damn how is she always right.

"Ya I guess you're right," I admitted.

"Well I'm always right, even if I'm wrong I'm always right," she said, which was true.

"Ya. So mom do you want to actually talk about the real reason you came here," I asked taking a sip of beer.

"Sure alright," her voice had lost all of it's confidence and wisdom. She then continued saying," I don't really know what to do about this. It isn't something anyone I knew went through. How long has this been going on again?"

"10 years," I said faintly taking another sip of beer.

"Oh. Is there anything else I should know before I talk to her," she asked trying to get back the confidence in her voice.

"Well she's anorexic. So just don't be surprised when you hug her, she's tiny. And she doesn't really eat," I said finishing my beer.

"Ok... Anything else," she asked, her face looked as though in deep thought.

"Not really. Oh um she might snap at you or brake down so don't be surprised if Andy cuts in," I said throwing the empty beer bottle away.

"Ok well I'll keep that in mind for when they come back," she said. We talked for a while, then around 10 we went to sleep.

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