Chapter 14

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Lea's POV


I woke up and checked the time. It was around 7. "It's about time you woke up," I jumped and turned to see Andy trying not to laugh.

"Very funny," I said rolling my eyes.

"Well I thought so. Hey do you want to have a movie night, and invite everyone over," he asked.

"Sure. That sounds fun," I said after thinking about it.

"Ya. Come on lets get up and get ready," he said standing up.

"What do you mean get ready. We're not wearing pjs," I said.

"Well maybe it's just me but your hair looks terrible and I want to borrow your eyeliner which you hid from me," he said pulling me out of bed.

"Oh ya," I said and grabbed my eyeliner.

"Thank you," he says and does his makeup.

"Whatever, you know one day you're gonna have to buy me shit ton of eyeliner," I said fixing my hair.

He rolls his eyes then hands me the eyeliner, then says," I'm gonna text everyone and tell them to be here in about 30 minutes."

"Ok. What movie should we watch," I ask while doing my eyeliner, which if you don't know is very hard.

"I don't know, I think it would be better if we waited until everyone got here," he said leaning against the door frame.

"True," I admitted. I started singing Morticians Daughter softly, and in the mirror I saw Andy look sad and yet happy.

"You sing beautifully," he said wrapping his arms around my waist from behind. He rested his head on my shoulder and looked at us in the mirror.

"This is perfect," I breathe.

"What is," he asks quietly.

"This picture," I say pointing at the mirror. I take out my phone and take a picture.

I smile and show the picture to Andy. He smiles and says," post it and see all the comments."

"Ok," I laugh and post it.

"You should silent your phone though," he says laughing.

"Good point," I laugh, listening to all the beeps from the notifications. I put it on silent and look into the mirror again.

"You're beautiful," Andy whispered against my neck.

I blush as Andy starts kissing my neck, sucking lightly. "Andy as much as I LOVE this, don't give me a hickey or very bad things will happen," I warn him.

"What if it was behind your hair," he asked with puppy eyes.

"Ugh fine. Just stop with the eyes," I say covering my eyes until I feel him move my hair and attach his lips to my skin. I moan and feel his smirk against my skin.

We hear people knock on the door. Andy groans and puts my hair back. We go into the living room and say hi to everyone.

We watch the movie Dispicable Me 2. It's so fucking hilarious. Again I am the person people want to sit next to. I don't fucking know why though, but they do.So I sat on Andy's lap and had Sammi sitting on Jinxx's lap next to me, and on my other side I had Christian.

I laughed my ass off at the movie. When it was over everyone left and Andy and I went into our room.

We got dressed and wiped off the makeup. I laid down and felt Andy wrap his arms around me protectively. I never realized how protective Andy actually was of me. I loved it. The fact that he cares that much about me. I kept thinking about this and soon drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

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