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Not long after I had finished my story to Henry, Mary Margaret came in asking to read to him. I handed her the book and sat in the corner listening as she read. She must have been reading for a while when the machines attached to Henry began to beep loudly. I jumped up "Doctor Whale!" I called and he came running in. I stepped back and pulled out my phone and sent a quick message to Regina and Emma like I had promised.

"Dr. Whale, what is that? What... What... what's wrong?" Mary Margaret asked as he came running into the room.

"Nurse, get them out of here now!" he said and began fiddling with the computer screens.

"What is it? What is it?" Mary Margaret asked.

"His heart rate's falling. Come on, Henry" Doctor Whale said.

"Mary Margaret come with me" I said and took her by the hand and lead her outside the room. We watched as doctors and nurses all ran around trying to fix the problem while Mary Margaret and I watched helplessly.

Regina and Emma arrived not long after and Doctor Whale and Mother Superior left Henry's room looking mournful. Mary Margaret and I jumped to our feet hoping for good news, "We did everything we could" the doctor said.

"I'm sorry. You're too late" Mother Superior said and the two walked away leaving us all feeling a little empty.

"Emma..." I began but she ignored me and walked into the room where Henry was. A nurse was unhooking him from all the machines and Henry looked as if he could be sleeping.

"No... No..." Regina whispers and we all gather in the room behind her looking sadly at her and Henry. Tears burned the back of my eyes, but I held them back. "I love you, Henry" Emma whispers and kisses his forehead sadly in one final goodbye.

Then suddenly, everything has changed. I am aware of Henry sitting up, in his bed and saying something to Emma. But what I am more aware of is the images flashing before my eyes. A small town with a man. A ship with a man, a jungle with a small boy. A man holding me and crying.

Then I realize I knew the man.


My whole life comes flooding back to me all at once. When the moment has passed I let out as gasp of air and look around the room. I remember everything, Killian, being killed, Pan. Everything. I see other people looking just as confused as shocked as I do but Henry catches my eye. "Oh Henry" I breath and the tears burning in my eyes fall. "Oh Henry" I cry a little louder rushing forwards and holding him tightly in my arms. "Thank you" I whisper into his hair.

"What for?" he asked.

"You brought Killian back to me, sort of" I said pulling away and holding him at arms length.

Henry beams and laugh's at my face "It's alright, but Emma really did it" he said and I looked at her.

"Thank you, both of you" I say and Emma frowns.

"Anytime..." she mutters a little confused. "Henry... What's going on?" she asks and he grins.

" No..." Regina mutters and I turn to glare at her. It was her fault, her fault that I forgot everything in my life that was important to me.

" The curse. I think you broke it" Henry told Emma.

"That was true love's kiss" Mother Superior said and I now knew her as both Mother Superior, but also as the blue fairy. The names and world where conflicting in my head. "No, no..." Regina continued to mutter.

"If I were you, Your Majesty, I'd find a place to hide" I said.

"No matter what you think, no matter what anyone tells you, I do love you" She told Henry before running out of the room in fear. Although I despised the woman for what she did to me and everyone else, I couldn't hurt her for it.


I landed with a heavy thump on soft grass. Well I was still alive, that was a start. I opened my eyes and looked around. I was back in the bright grassy meadow that I had been when I first lived. "Am I in Neverland still?" I asked out loud, but there was no one to answer me.

"No, Dearie. Your not in Neverland, this is Wonderland" a high stomach turning voice said from behind me and I jumped up and looked around. There stood against a tree was Rumpelstiltskin a mischievous grin on his face.

"What did you do to me? Why am I like this? Why do I keep living this way?" I asked walking towards him and he grinned.

"It's taken me a long time to find you. But there is a legend of the Impossible girl. Apparently, you can live through anything as long as your heart remains intact. However the downside is that every time ifs life threatening, you are put here" he pointed at the grassy meadow "Which puts you in some new world. Which is a bit of a problem when you think about who has to come and find you every time" he said in a sing song voice.

"Okay, why am I like this?" I asked.

"Long story short, you mother asked for help when she was pregnant with you but ill. I gave her that help. Didn't know this would happen though" he mused.

"Whatever, it just means that mine and Killian's love will be stronger than ever" I said trying to make a point but it wasn't a very good one.

"If you say so, Dearie. Fact of the matter is that, your not with him" he said and then in a puff of smoke he vanished. I knew he was right, but now Killian and I knew that I could live through all this, then he would come and find me.

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