First Day

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"Wait. What?" I asked looking at Dad confused. He smiled back at me nodding his head. "Yup, you two start today, now I don't expect you at the office till noon so you both better be ready."

Huh. I didn't think we would be starting so soon but ok? I look over at Rose and she had the same shocked expression as me.

"Well dad that's great, but I don't think that gives us enough time to find a daycare for the girls and get them register," Rose says. "Oh nonsense girl's Leah and I would love to watch the girl's, you don't need to pay for over pricey daycare when you have free childcare here at home," Sue said to us.

She was the greatest woman ever! She may not have been out birth mother but she was the best mother anyone could ever ask for. Even our little sister Leah who was now 16. Let's not forget our baby brother Seth who was 9. They were only our half siblings but we wouldn't trade them for anything, Sue either. They were the greatest family we had.

"Well I guess that's ok, we don't want to burden you. If it gets to be too much just let us know." I say to Sue who is currently entertaining the girls with ideas of what they will do this summer. "Oh hush Bella; my sweet little grand-babies will never be too much for their Granny, Will you girls?" They both shook their heads excited about what they are going to do.

"Well then it's settled I'll see you girls in the office at noon," Dad said finishing the last of his coffee. Then getting up to head out the door briefcase in hand.

"Well, Bella let's go get ready it's 10:30 now so by the time we are done it will be time to leave and get to dad's office on time," Rose said getting up and taking her plate and cup putting them in the sink and heading out the kitchen door to our place.

I followed behind her to get ready in my room. By the time I was showered, dressed and ready to go it was 11:25. Rose was waiting for me by the door and we went out to the car dad had bought us it was a 2011 Audi SUV Q5, it was a nice car and dad being dad had to get us the best of the best. We climbed in and headed off to the office which was only 20 minutes away.

We pulled up at 11:45 just like expected. We got out and walked into the office and straight to the elevator to the top floor. We stepped off the elevator and walked to the end of the hall to dad's office. I knock on the door and hear a soft "Come-In" from the other side of the door.

We walk in and I was nearly knocked over by the site before my eyes by the looks of Rose she was the same way. There sitting before me was the most gorges man I have ever seen in my life and I knew who he was. He was Edward Cullen and his brother Emmett Cullen was sitting right next to him. I heard a light clear of someone's throat. It was our dad of course.

"Well, girls I would like for you to meet Edward and Emmett Cullen. Edward, Emmett meet my girls, Rosalie and Bella Swan." They turned to us and stood up.

"Hi I'm Bella; it's a pleasure to meet you both," I said extending my hand out. Edward shook my hand first. I felt a jolt of what felt like electricity shoot through my hand the moment our skin made contact. In shock, I pulled my hand back and extended it to Emmett.

"I'm Rosalie; it's to meet you both. I prefer to go by Rose though it's a little easier." Rose said with a giggle as she shook Emmett's hand after me. Whoa Rose giggle I have never heard her giggle before. I just looked at her strangely for a minute. Then looked back at dad who was still writing something at his desk.

I could feel Edward's eyes on me; I was trying my best not to look at him. I don't know what his deal is or why he keeps staring but he does and it's a little weird.

Finally, dad gets up and comes over to where we are all standing. "Well, girls your first job is to be assisting the Cullen's here today. They have a few shots at the studio, then a photo shoot and interview with People magazine." He said to us with a nod. We both nodded in return.

"Alright girls here is their file and schedule for the next few months, be sure to put them in your PDA's and your phone's. I just gave you those new Droid's and they will be able to help you with all of their appointments. Also as you put things in your phones it gives you direction's to the places where you will be." Dad said and handed us our paperwork and the new PDA's.

"Any questions?" Dad asks us.

"No I think we are good here, Bella and I know our way around paperwork and what to do while being an assistant that's what we went to school for after all," Rose said to dad with a smile.

"Well alright girl's the car and driver is waiting for you four downstairs, I'll see you two later tonight." He said and gave Rose and me a kiss on the cheek and held the door open for us to go out.

Today was going to be a long day. If Edward keeps staring at me like that I may have to find out what his problem is.

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