Chapter Six

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Percy Jackson was NOT in a good mood.

After being whipped and falling unconscious, he had a pleasant dream. That is not why he is currently in a bad mood, no. The reason is because he was rudely woken up from his dream.


Percy stood on the edge of a vast pit, but unlike Tartarus, it did not radiate evil.

"Child," a voice whispered, carrying in the wind.

Percy jumped, startled, and uncapped his pen, holding it out in front of him in a defensive position.

"Who are you?"

"Do not fear me, child. I am Chaos."

"Chaos, like, the creator of the Universe, Chaos?"

The voice chuckled, "Yes, that Chaos."


"Yes, oh."

"What am I here for, Chaos? And where IS here?"

"Ah, someone who drops the formalities, finally. Thank you for that. As to where this is and why you are here...well, this is the Void, and you are here because I have sent my Elite team to retrieve you. I thought that I would make your sleep last longer, so you can feel less pain."

"Thank you..."

"It's not a problem."

"When...when will they get here?"

"Soon, they will be there so-"

A rumbling sound arose from the surroundings.

"You are waking. I am sorry, there is nothing more I can do."

"It's okay, thank you, so much."

A sharp pain erupted in my stomach, causing me to double over, and I put my hand over it. A gaping hole formed in the spot, and I realize that I must've been stabbed.

The scene before me fades away, and I jolt back into reality.

~Dream end~

Percy opens his eyes, only to see the slightly insane ones of End staring into his.


"Ah, so now you wake? Must try that method more often..."

Percy stares at the evil being before him, trying to clear the blur times in his eyes that comes with the package deal of waking up.

"Ready for more?"

"No..." His voice is small and tiny, and he can't help but be afraid.


Immediately, pain fills his body and he looks down to see the gaping hole in his stomach, just like in his dream.

How void he have forgotten?

End walks up to his chained body, and brushes a vial of clear liquid with a green tinge onto and into his wound.

It burned and his pain flared.

"Water from the Styx, infused with a hint of poison!"

He bit his cheek, trying not to scream, until he bled.

"No sound? What will it take for me to get you to scream?"

End looks around the room, and seems to find what he is looking for. He grabs a collar looking object and straps it around Percy's neck.

"Isn't it beautiful?"

The collar is lined with spikes that are dipped in poison, meaning if Percy let his chin drop, he would get stabbed.

End then proceeded in trying to get Percy to drop his chin-from tickling to stabbing, even dislocating and breaking.

Percy did not scream once, though he did have to spit out blood on multiple occasions.

He began to wonder if Chaos' elite team were ever going to show.

End unchained him from the wall, and Percy began to hope, but that turned into disappointment and fear as he saw the table.

He was laid down on the table and his limbs were strapped and chained so he could not move.

End grabbed a knife and began to cut onto Percy's skin. Not enough to make him bleed out, but enough that it would scar. He was about to cut open Percy's chest, when a scream and a shout sounded from the hall, and the door was broken down.

End cursed upon seeing the entire Elite team flood into the small torture room he was in, and decided he could by win this fight. He vanished with a pop, leaving the Elite team to free Percy. In End's haste, he had forgotten about the boy.

"Percy..." The second in command stared down at the boy chained to the table.


"Keep your eyes open, please. Keep those beautiful eyes open!"

But Percy's eyes were starting to close.

"No! Keep them open, damnit!"

The rest of the team had succeeded in taking off the chains, strap, and collar.

They surrounded the second-in-command, who was beginning to pick up the broken demigod.

"Form a protection circle!"

He began to walk, carrying one limp Percy Jackson in his arms, his team surrounding them in what he called a 'protection circle'.

They managed to escape the building with no injuries, not including the ones that have been cast upon the demigod in the second-in-command's arms.

"Chaos, we need a portal." The second-in-command spoke to seemingly thin air.

One might think he is crazy, until the swirling black vortex appeared in front of the assembled beings.

"Let's go."

With that, they walked into the portal that would lead them back home, where they could take care of their devastatingly injured friend.

Wow, that was a lot longer than the last chapter! I hope it made up for it! Thanks for your patience and understanding! Comment your thoughts!

Percy Jackson: The Son of Chaos/ Book 1-Never Again Where stories live. Discover now