Ch. 10: Food Fight!

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Alice awakens late the next morning. The moment she remembers last night, a big smile creeps across her face. She turns over to her other side in bed to find J-Fred, but he is gone. The smile immediately fades away from her face. She wonders if she was too late and messed everything up, or if he already left because he realized it was a mistake. Just as he mind begins to wander to everything she did wrong, her bedroom door creaks open, and J-Fred pokes his head in. "Morning," he smiles.

The smile immediately returns to her face. "Glad to see you haven't left yet," she sighs with relief.

"I never want to leave! I just wanted to go make breakfast!" He walks in with a tray full of wonderful-smelling breakfast. It has bacon, eggs, bread, and more. "I love breakfast in bed," he continues. "That way I get to stay in my pajamas, and I can just go to bed right after!" 

Alice's smile just widens more as he sits down beside her on the bed and places the tray in between them. As they eat and talk in bed, J-Fred accidentally spills an entire glass of orange juice onto her white sheets. "Joey!" Alice exclaims.

His face gets red as he tries to wipe it up quickly. Alice is too happy to be upset. She just laughs some more when she sees how embarrassed he is. She scoops up some eggs onto her fork and flings them at him. "Hey!" he screeches.

"Payback!" she smirks. 

"Oh, it's on, honey," J-Fred laughs wickedly. He picks up a sausage and throws it at her. It smacks her shirt and leaves a big, greasy stain. The two of them proceed to have a full-fledged food fight in her bedroom.

By the time they are all out of food, Alice's bedroom is a mess. There are specks of scrambled eggs clinging to her walls, sausages that landed in her pile of clothes, and pieces of bread scattered across her floor. They both end up on the floor laughing. 

"Jerk," J-Fred smirks as he pokes Alice jokingly. "You started this all, so I don't feel as bad for destroying your room. By the way, did you call me Joey earlier?"

Alice blushes a bit. "No, I know that only family members call you Joey."

He smiles. "No, I remember hearing you call me Joey. Are you trying to tell me something?" He raises one of his eyebrows at her. Alice just laughs it off. J-Fred grabs her and pulls her into a hug. "You can call me Joey. You can call me whatever you want, I'm just happy to be here with you." 

"So can I call you Idiot?" she jokes.

"Hey!" he complains. 

He begins to tickle her. Alice screeches and jumps back from the hug. "You better not tickle me! That's not fair," she warns him.

"Oh, so you don't like tickling?" J-Fred asks with a mischievous grin. 

"You better stay back, Idiot," she warns him.

"That's it!" he yells. He begins to chase her. She races out of the room and through the whole house. He finally catches her and pins her onto the floor with his massive body. He tickles her mercilessly.

Alice cackles and tries her best to push him off, but he is too strong. "I give up! Mercy!" she squeals. J-Fred stops with a triumphant look on his face. He gets off her and goes over to the couch to rest from all that running. She joins him and lies down with her head resting in his lap. "So...what are you doing today?" she asks casually, hoping what he will not have to leave.

"I have nothing to do today. What should we do of our first day as a...couple?" he asks. He looks down, and his icy blue eyes meet Alice's eyes.

Alice just stares into his beautiful eyes for a moment before she answers. "Well, first of all, you're going upstairs to help me get all of the breakfast out of my room."

He groans, but agrees. "If you beat me up there, I won't tickle you!" he says with a wink.

Alice smiles as she jumps up and sprints up the stairs, J-Fred close behind. She never wants to be away from him again. 


AN: Thanks so much for over 600 reads! I really appreciate all of your votes and comments and reads!

Also, sorry for not posting in a long time. Something came up, and I was not able to write another chapter. I will be updating more often, though. Thanks!

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