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"What do you see?" Sasha rolled her eyes and responded, "A big, white, puffy thing." Her adorable attitude earned a laugh from the current NXT Champ.

"Well Miss Banks, I see a bunny riding a motorcycle." Sasha sat up and looked at her best friend. He invited her for a friendly day at the park. Currently they were laying on a blanket in the grass.

"What is up with your imagination dude?" Seth chuckled then responded, "I think outside of the box, unlike you, boss." Sasha spoke, "How exactly do you think outside of the box?"

He sat up and locked his brown orbs with hers. "Let me show you." He took the bosses hand in his, and he lay back down with her.

"Look at the clouds and don't overthink. Just let your brain wander freely." Sasha took his advice and did not overthink the shapes of the beautiful clouds. It took her a while but she finally saw something.

"That one looks like a heart." Sasha pointed and Seth said, "Yeah, it does, just like this." The boss watched as Seth pulled out a box from his pocket. The Boston native became very curious.

Seth opened the box and Sasha's eyes widened at what was inside. It was a necklace and a keychain and both were in silver, they both had a heart charm connected to it and the charm was broken in half. Engraved on the heart were two letters and a plus sign. When pieced together it said, "S + S".

"See S for Seth, and S for Sasha." Seth took both the keychain, and the necklace out of the velvet box. He placed the keychain on his key ring.

He then motioned for Sasha to turn around, and she did just that. He gently moved her soft hair to the side and placed the beautiful necklace around her neck.

She held the charm and turned back around, piecing it with the keychain. "It's beautiful Seth, thank you." Seth nodded and they hugged.

"I wanted you to have something special that will remind you of me even when we are miles apart. Now you know, no matter where the world takes us, I am always in your heart."

End of Flashback -

Sasha's P.O.V -

I cried in my hotel room as I held the charm in my hands. I miss him so much.

I have no idea if it was a mistake to leave him that voicemail but I can not keep bottling in my feelings. I said what had to be said and I am nervous yet happy that I did.

Let's just hope Zaharah doesn't get ahold of his phone.

6 to 9 months and we are already 2 and a half months in. Sooner or later I am going to have to face him. I just hope it is not awkward between the two of us.

There are moments where I just want to stay in his arms forever. But Zaharah does not approve. Seth deserves better.

I hope he realizes the love that I have for him. Though truly, only time will tell...

darlings of desire | - rewriting / under editing • completed ✓Where stories live. Discover now