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Sasha's P.O.V -

It was Saturday night, and I was sitting on my couch, with no Seth, waiting.

And waiting.

And waiting.

Soon enough it was 8.45 and I was sitting down on my couch with Becky still waiting.

I soon got frustrated. He blew me off. Becky could tell I was upset.

"I am sorry Sash."

"It's fine. Maybe he forgot about me."

"He couldn't have Sasha, we both know Seth would never stand someone up, especially you, maybe he is just running late."

"Or maybe Zaharah found out."

Seth's P.O.V -

"What!? You are not going out with that slut!"

Zaharah's voice rang through my ears. She obviously is against the idea of me and Sasha "hanging out."

I rolled my eyes in annoyance. I am not letting her control me. I have realized the hell she is putting me through and none other than my beautiful Boss showed me that. Well almost my beautiful boss.

She has been delaying me for almost an hour and Sasha probably thinks I stood her up.

"You can't control where I go or who I hang out with. Sasha is my best friend and is far less then a slut then you."

Zaharah's hand connected with my face. Too far?

"How dare you!"

I was so mad but I calmed myself. I grabbed the keys and left a screaming Zaharah alone.

I am not letting Sasha down.

Becky P.O.V -

I can not believe this bastard stood Sasha up.

I kept encouraging her that he was late but it has been far too long.

Sasha stood up, teary eyed, and told me she was going to go change.

I did not think this meant that much to her. She told me she just wanted things to go back to old times.

I agree. I mean back then, FCW days, I was on top of the world. I wasn't put to the bottom always because of my stupid boss, Vince.

"You sure you don't want to wait a little longer Sasha?"

She shook her head and I nodded. With that she left in to her room.

I pulled out my phone to go off on this stupid son of a bitch.

Until I heard a slight knock on the door.

Seth P.O.V -

I knocked on the door slightly, unsure if Sasha had given up and went to sleep.

I would be done with Zaharah then, and my little game would have to be put on hold.

I waited a few seconds until the door swung open to a feisty and quite angry looking little Becky.

We used to be good friends, our bosses and careers pulled us separate ways. Now we just treat each other like friendly co -workers.

Damn how I miss old times.

Becky stared at me, then looked down and slapped me.

"Ouch what the hell Becky!?"

"How dare you stand Sasha up!"

"Becky you do realize I am here to pick Sasha up. I had a few delays, you should know me better."

She took a breath and then put on a sincere face.

"Sorry about that. I was planning to tell you off on the phone but I guess my emotions got the best of me."

"Don't worry about it. That is the second slap I got tonight. Used to it by now."

Becky chuckled.


"You don't want to know."

The small door space was filled with scilence that I was determined to break.

"So uh, is Sasha, okay?"

"I will go get her."

The door slightly closed and I stood there, anxiously.

I heard some whispers and moving around until Sasha was at the door.

She was in her Pajamas and looked like she had been crying. I spoke,

"You want to talk outside?"

She nodded and we made our way in to the empty hallway.

The scilence was eating me alive. It was almost as if I could hear her heartbeat, fast. She was nervous.

Though she was supposedly crying, she looked amazing.

I took a minute to enjoy her beauty. Then spoke,



"Now I love your PJ's but where I plan on taking you, I don't think they are suitable."

She chuckled,

"I will go change."

I nodded and she left inside. I plan on giving her on of the most magical nights of her like.

You know, just like, Old Times.

Ω¤Ω¤Ω¤Author's Note¤Ω¤Ω¤Ω

Okay this is what I am working with. Trust me I have ideas it will get better.

Okay so the book,

Seth is playing some mind games. Maybe he has realized that he cares about Sasha more then she knows.

Zaharah wants to cut all ties between them and Seth is against that.

Everyone wants everything to go back to old times but is that really a good idea?

Find out when I update 😊.

Side note, I might do some flashbacks in the next chapter so you guys will see how everything was before Zaharah came around.

Anyways I hope you guys enjoy the book and remember comments are appreciated and I love to see suggestions.

Thank you guys for reading! 💖

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