Today was just fine. I slept over at my friend's house the night before. (first time I hung out/played with her) (But we were acquaintances before then. But now we're best friends)
I got her obsessed with The Flash the day before. (We watched 11 1/2 episodes in two days) (45 minutes each)
We went swimming today at her city pool. (We live one city away from each other)
Then my dad picked me up and dropped me off at my aunt's house to babysit. We were having fun and I was expecting to go to my friend's house the next day to say goodbye.
But she was moving the next day as early as they could. So I would be able to go to her house until she came back next summer. (Who knows if we'll still be friends by then)
But then when my uncle was driving me home he took the street near my friend's house. I asked him if he could drive there. (literally like thirty seconds to get there)
He said yes and I got to say goodbye. I was so dang freaking happy. I'm still happy.
So I don't know how to describe today really...
Random/Bored stuff
AcakRandomness. Because, again, I'm bored and can't get writers block with this. When I say random, I MEAN 100% RANDOM! From reasonable - to life problems. Mostly just funny things or random thoughts...