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                 "Ashley! Get over here!" Yakcy yelled. I ran to her room as fast as possible, knowing if I didn't shed get pissed. "What?" I said when I reached her room. She had two outfits laying on her bed. "Denim shorts with pink shirt or this short yellow dress? Which ones cuter?" She asked. "Shorts." I said "Really, I think the dress tho." She said. I rolled my eyes, "Then wear the dress, were just going to the damn movie theater, no big deal." I said "You always have to look good & Aaron's gonna be there right?." 
"Yea why? You like him or something?" I said, "Heck no!" She answered. I rolled my eyes and left. I knew she liked him, ever since he became my friend and we'd hang out i'd notice Yakcy sorta like always watching him. He was in my grade, because he had flunked 3rd grade, so he was actually a year older than me, perfect for Yakcy. I mean he pretty attractive but I only see him as a friend or older brother, my eyes belong to someone else, or should I say belonged.

Aaron came to pick us up at our house, so we could all head over to the movie theater. Once we got there, we bought the tickets and headed inside. We bought some popcorn and soda. Aaron insisted to pay.

After the movie was over we were heading outside when I saw something that caught my eye. It was Tenzing, Alec was with him, and it looked like they were talking to Claire and Jacob, who were holding hands. I stopped and listened to what they were saying. "C'mon Ashley were leaving." Yakcy said. "Hold on I'll catch you up right now." I told her, so she and the rest continued walking outside. "I'm sorry Tenz, I found someone better people change their minds, it's normal." I heard Claire said. I had heard tenzing and Claire started dating but apparently it's over now. "Hoe." I heard Tenzing say as he walked outside the movie theater. Alec just stood there watching Claire and Jacob, so I ran over to him. "Alec what happen is ten okay?" I asked. "Hey ash. Tenzing is fine I hope, but Claire was dating Jacob while supposedly her and Tenzing were together." Alec said. "Stay here ima go talk to Tenz." I said, he nodded. I was walking down the parking lot while I spotted Tenzing's car. I opened the passengers seat door. He was crying, really bad I felt so bad I don't think I've ever seen a boy cry. "Are you ok Tenz?" I asked. "Why are you here, and not with your boyfriend?" He asked crying. "Because he's not my boyfriend. And you know why, because I like someone else, I...I like, you." I said,he looked up at me. He stopped crying. "The only reason I dated Claire was to get you out of my mind. I've liked you ever since I laid eyes on you. But since I thought you were dating Aaron, my dreams were over." He said, looking directly into my eyes. "I'm so sorry. I just thought he was your boyfriend." He said. "I forgive you it's ok." We just sat their across from each other. I felt him lean in closer, I could feel his breath on my skin which sent chills through my body. I leaned in closer too, then my lips met his. I wrapped my arms around his neck, while he pulled me in closer by my waist.💏
*ring ring ring* I heard my phone ring. I slowly pulled away, so I could answer it.

"Sorry." I said. Reaching out for my phone. Aaron was calling me, they were probably wondering where I was. "Yo. Ash, where are you? We've been waiting for you." Aaron said. "I'm so sorry, I just...umm....had something to take care of. I'll be right there." I told him. "Ok, hurry up." He said and hung up. "I'm sorry tenz I gotta go." I told him. "It's okay we'll continue this some other time." He said smirking. I laughed, "Bye."
I walked to the car, when I got there I opened the passengers door and got in. Arron smiled at me so I returned it. "Took you long enough." He said. I laughed, and he continued to drive. "Where we're you?" Jaylene asked quickly. "Oh I was just talking to this friend of mine." I said, i wasn't about to tell Aaron I had just kissed Tenzing. Even though we were only friends, I was sure he wasn't gonna take it in a bad way, but that was gonna be very awkward. "What friends? You always hang out with me only." Jaylene said. I swear I was about to slap her. 'Cut it out' I mouthed to her. I didn't how to answer the question so I just remained silent. The rest of the car trip was silent. When we arrived home we said goodbye to Aaron and headed straight to my house.

My mom was cooking dinner in the kitchen, "Wazzup momma." I said yelling while me and my girls ran up stairs. "Hi girls." She answered. When we reached my room, we all sat down on the bed. I reached out for the control, but Yakcy slapped it out of my hand. "Uh-uh. Not until you tell us what happened." She said. ", when we were coming out I saw Tenzing and Claire arguing, and then Tenzing ran outta the movie theater and Claire was with this dude. So I asked Alec what was going on and he told me Claire and Tenzing were going out." The girls gasped." But not anymore," They let out a sigh. "She dumped him for Jacob, and I went looking for him in his car, and he was crying-" I was interrupted by the girls 'awww'ing. "-so I went in the car and I told him I liked him and not Aaron. Cause he thought we were dating, and we...drumroll please...kissed!!!" I said letting out a small girl screech. "Oh my god!!! Seriously?!?!!!?? I did not see this coming." Jaylene said. "You have to present him to me sometime." Yakcy said. "Yeah okay. But the problem is, Aaron, we used to have feelings for each other and all but we broke up and I have zero feelings for him left, but if he still has feelings for me and tell him about Tenzing I don't know what's gonna happen." I said I little disappointed. "Don't worry, he doesn't have to know." Yakcy said. "Okay I guess. Let's watch a movie now." I said "Okay. We should watch..........

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