Babysitting Pt.1

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I woke up it was 7:30 am. I decided to call Yakcy maybe she'd want to come she loves baby's. I told her to bring Jaylene too, I don't know maybe she'll see Jack. We decided to all drive together in my car, they would head over once they were ready. I took a quick shower and changed into some basketball shorts and a loose top, I tied my hair up in a messy bun. I had told my parents I would be babysitting for the weekend, they were ok with it. Yakcy and Jaylene arrived a couple minutes later, we all got in the car and drove to the house. It was very far just 15 mins. "Baby Nolan is so cute!!" Yakcy squealed. "His brothers better." I smirked. "She rolled her eyes. "Still jealous me and Jaylene have a boyfriend and you don't." I said, she was about to smack me but she realized she couldn't since I was driving. "Shut up." She said crossing her arms against her chest. I high fived Alin.

"We should make breakfast!" I said. "Always with the food Ashley," Yakcy rolled her  eyes. "First go check on Nolan that's what you came for didn't you."    "You go do it me and Jaylene will check out the kitchen." I said. "Fine then." She said heading upstairs. Me and Jaylene checked the kitchen we decided to make pancakes with hash-browns and scrambled eggs. We got the pancake mix, flour and potatoes and a shredder for the hash browns on the table. "What are you doing!?"  Yakcy asked freaked out. "Food, duh." Me and Jaylene said. "Number one rule you can not make food with out my supervision I know you two, and you can burn the house down if I'm not here." She said "Ok. So me and Jaylene will make the hash browns and you'll make pancakes." I said. We all got started, Jaylene  washed the potatoes I shredded them mixed them in with flour and put them on a pan. *beep*  *beep*  *beep*  *beep*  *beep*  "What is going on here?!" Someone asked. It was Tenzing, the alarm must've woken him up. "We were uhh.... making hash browns and they sorta burn?." I said smiling. "Everything's under contr-" Jaylene was trying to say but she got interrupted by a coughing fit. The smoke, it filled the whole kitchen. Yakcy opened up all windows, Tenzing went to grab a fire extinguisher. He sprayed it all over the hash browns. Then we heard some crying, it was Nolan, Yakcy went to go check on him. "Oh my god. What were you two thinking?" Tenzing asked. "We were just trying to make breakfast for you two but it burned." I said   "Are you guys babysitting Nolan for the weekend?" He asked. "Yup." I said. Yakcy came down stairs carrying Nolan, he was so cute. "Ashee, Ashee!!" He kept saying when he saw me. "Hi Nolan." I said. He wanted to come with me but yakcy wanted to keep him, he started crying though, suckers. "Here." Yakcy said rolling her eyes and handing me Nolan. "Ashee, Ashee!" He kept saying. "How come he likes you and not me." Yakcy said pouting. "Because she's awesome." Tenzing said. "That's my boyfriend." I shouted. He kissed me on the forehead, Yakcy rolled her eyes. "Tenzy Ashee kish kish!!" Nolan said. "Awww he's saying we're kissing." I said, "Yes, Tenzing and Ashley kissed."
"Okay you two are weird." Jaylene said. "Shut up I bet you and Jack act the same." I said. "Whatever, let's go eat." She said. "Ummmm, eat what burned hash browns with fire extinguisher foam on them???" I asked. "We can go to IHOP I'll pay." Tenzing suggested. "Sounds good." Yakcy said. "Okay but we'll pay a fair share." I said.  "No, I'll pay I'm the gentlemen it's my duty." Tenzing said. "Yeah your a gentlemen, but if you keep paying for everything your gonna go broke." I said. "No I'm not, so I'm going to  pay." He said. "You aren't going to pay." I said. "Yes I am." He said. "No no no." Nolan said. "See even he says you shouldn't pay." I said. "Just let your boyfriend pay we'll save some money." Yakcy said. "Quit abusing of my boyfriend." I said. "Let's just go I'm starving." Tenzing said. We all got in Tenzing's car. "I call passengers seat, I mean, I am the drivers girlfriend." I said getting in the car. Everyone rolled they eyes.

When we got there we all walked in, they sat us in a big table and gave Nolan a baby chair. "Your baby's so cute." The waitress said. We all looked at each other for a few seconds then burst out laughing. "Is everything okay?" The lady asked. We stopped laughing. "Yeah, just Nolan isn't out child, were 16, we obviously don't have any kids." I said. "Oh I'm so sorry. He just looked so much like him." She said pointing at Tenzing. "I don't know maybe they...brothers?." Jaylene said sarcastically. We all laughed.   "Okay I feel so stupid right now. But anyways what could I get for you all?" She asked. Once we all ordered it took awhile until the food came. We all started eating. Nolan grabbed a spoonful of hash-brown that I thought was going to go in his mouth but instead, he flicked the spoon across the whole room. It landed on an old lady's face, right in the forehead. I thought we were about to get kicked out, but the old lady just laughed, "Silly baby."  Nolan started laughing. "Nolan don't do that." I said shaking my head. I don't know what it is with kids but if you tell them not do something they just have to do it. Nolan grabbed another spoonful, he was about to trow it but I grabbed the spoon and took it away from him. He immediately started crying. "Ima take him to the bathroom I'll be right back." I said grabbing crying Nolan and starting to walk. I laid him down in one of the baby seats to change his diaper. Once I was done I was about to pick him up but he starting to fall asleep. I picked him up carefully and rocked him in my arms. I walked back to the table, everyone was laughing. "What are you guys laughing about?" I asked. "About you." Jaylene said. "What?!" I said not too loudly or else Nolan would wake up. "Yep." Tenzing added. "What did I do?" I asked. "Your awesome that's it." Tenzing said. "I know, but why is that a laughing matter?" I asked. "Because we were saying you'd be a perfect mom, look Nolan loves you, you treat him like your own child, and even the waitress thought he was yours."Yakcy said. We laughed. "That's true, I'm the best that's why." I said. "True Tenzing." He said, planting a kiss on my lips. "I love you." He said. "Me more." I whispered back. "I think we should go, Nolan's asleep and we can continue this in a more private place." Tenzing smirked. "Sure thing babe." I said, we all got up, left some tips on the table, and left. Yakcy carefully put Nolan in his baby seat. And we drove back to the house.

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