Mama, We're Meant For The Flies

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The next day at lunch there were quite a few people at the table. It was Grover, Percy, Thalia Grace, Clarisse La Rue, Chris Rodriguez, Nico Di Angelo, and Will Solace. I knew Clarisse and Chris were dating. I didn't say anything about Percy and I because I had no idea how they'd take the whole gay thing. It's my second day here, so.

"I'll be right back," Will told us and stood up and what I didn't expect:

He gave Nico a kiss on the cheek and Nico just rolled his eyes at it. Nobody made a remark about it. Nobody said anything about it. Like it was totally normal.

"You look lost." Thalia told me. "Have you never seen a gay couple before?"

"I've seen plenty, I've never seen one not been made fun of." I explained.

"You're somewhere with people who are half animal and are trained to fight war and survive hell." Clarisse told me. "Gays are the least of everyone's problems. The only discriminating you're gonna get is if you can't fight. You could literally walk in here with the most messed up person that died 30 years ago and it's their spirit and people literally wouldn't care."

"That's mainly because if somebody spoke against anything like that they'd be put in the infirmary." Percy commented. "I mean, Malcolm was last fall."

Afterwards I got armor and a really cool sword and then headed back to the cabin. Where my mother sent an IM.

"Your cat won't shut up," my mother told me as I sat in the main area, by the fountain. "Please talk to it so it will."

Jack found me and came right up to the message trying to come to me.

"You can come through the message, Jack." I tell him. "I'm not home, I'm going to be gone this summer, but I'll be home in August, okay?"

Percy walked in and heard me talking so he didn't say anything, figuring it was my parents or something.

He did shut up, though. Jack did.

"Thank you." My mother said and I didn't realize she could see Percy getting something from the fridge. I don't think Percy did, either. "Who is that behind you?"

Percy look over at the message. Knowing she meant him.

"Oh. Hi Mrs. Patterson."

My mother had figured out my crush on Percy before I had and was the one who convinced me to ask him out. She was our biggest shipper ever. She loved Percy. My dad... Not so much.

"Percy, is that you?" She asked. "Where in the hell have you been?"

"You don't want that story, just know I'm back now."


Percy goes to swordfighting, William went to the armory, and a few others left before them.

Literally the first thing that was said once both of them were out of earshot.

"They need to date." Came out of Clarisse's mouth as Will rejoined us.

"Who does?" The son of Apollo asked, sitting down next to his boyfriend.

"Percy and William." Thalia agreed. "Because honestly it would be the best thing to ever happen to Percy."

"I don't think Percy goes for guys, though." Chris retorted.

"Percy's gay." I correct Clarisse's boyfriend. "The whole Annabeth thing... He tried so hard to break up with her. So many times. But you know Annabeth. She's stubborn."

Guess Who Fell Apart (Percy Jackson)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora