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'Goodnight Casp, I'll see you tomorrow. We have a lot to go through eh?' She giggled slightly after leading me into my stable. She walked away with a slight spring in her step. Giddy with excitement, I trotted around my stable with my head held high. I pushed my weight backwards and stood on my hind legs, letting out a loud neigh to announce my happiness. 

'You told her didn't you Sweetheart.' My mother walked over to my wall and looked worried.

'I did, but it went well. Really well.' I replied.

'But what if it didn't Caspian, you would have been dead. You need to be careful.'

'I'm sorry mother, I'll tell her that. Does this mean I can't be like that in front of her?' I said sadly, expecting the worst.

'Of course not Honey, If she accepts you for who you are go ahead. Just be careful, some people are not as kind.' Her head dropped, something was wrong.

'Whats wrong Mum?' I became worried. 

'Nothing Darling. Honestly.' She moved away and lay down.

'Tell me Mum. Did... Did someone hurt you?' Her head moved sharply, this was an uncomfortable topic.

'Yes, they did. I don't want to see you hurt. Goodnight Casp.'

'Goodnight Mum.' I then layed on the floor thinking about Casey, I fell asleep almost instantly. 


'Pssssst. Casp. You lazy horse wake up.' I heard a voice say. Sleepily, I looked around and saw Casey at my door. With difficulty, I stood and made my way over. I was still tired. 

'Come on boy, I'm sure you wanna come out. I'm sorry for being so early, but I have the whole day free. I've got a picnic too.' She said excitedly. How could I turn her down?

We rode to our tree and she took my tack off. I half shifted and felt the breeze on my skin. Her eyes were full of awe, staring intently at me.

'Casey, are you ok?' I asked, slightly concerned.

'Yeah, I'm good. Just remembering yesterday wasn't a dream. God Casp, what did I do to deserve this?'  She looked away embarrassed.

'You were you, that's all you had to do. Come here.' I trotted over and kissed her forehead gently. She grabbed her bag and pulled out her fathers jeans. I took them and went behind the tree. I emerged and grabbed the lead to tie them up. 

'Cas, I love you. Now, come here and let me prove it.' I gave her a wink and opened my arms, I shifted my weight backwards onto my back leg to brace for her. She ran towards me and I caught her in my arms. Our lips locked and I melted into the kiss. Slowly, I moved my hands to her waist and I lifted her up. Her slender legs wrapped round my body and her arms instinctively went round my neck.

'Casp, I didn't quite realise who strong you were. And I love you too.' She locked our lips once more. I walked over to the tree, with Casey still in my arms, and leaned her against it. 

'More comfortable?' I asked.

'Yeah, You aren't as tense now.' Her hands felt my hair, and tangled themselves deep in my locks. With the support of the tree, I moved my hands from her back and moved them up into her hair, one hand cupping her head and gently stroking her cheek. 

'Casp, kiss me. Don't stop. Not until we can no longer breathe.' She looked me deep in the eyes, for a second I saw a flash of lust cross her eyes, but it instantly turned back into love. 

'As you wish, My lady.' I closed the gap and only stopped when I could no longer breathe. 


The next few weeks were the same, when she had time we would relax together. We would eat picnics and play fight. It was perfect. Unfortunately, it wasn't to last...

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