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The sun fell through the cracks and glittered into my stable. Proudly, the birds sang their hearts out. It seemed today was gonna be a good day. Boy I was wrong.

In the distance, I heard screaming. I easily identified the main voice. Casey. Instantly, I feared for the worst knowing the those shouts were not over a simple. Casey ran round the bend with a patchy red face glistening from tears that were still streaming down her face.

'I won't let you take him.... I won't!!' She screamed while grabbing my tack.

'Sweetheart, try and calm her. Do the best for her, even if it means killing yourself.' My mother called from her stable.

Oh no... Something bad is happening and my mum is telling me that someone is going to get hurt. I don't like this.

As fast as lightning, I was tacked and cantering towards the tree. Casey was still crying and trying to reassure herself that it was going to be OK. I know its not.... I just didn't know how.

We got to the tree in recorded time and she slid off my back and undid my tack. We had left the bag here to make it easyer so I changed and covered myself.

'Case, sweetie what's wrong.' I said with my arms open wide. She ran into my arms and shook. Gently I sat her down and cuddled her until she managed to regulate her breathing.

'Caspian, we're moving to the town. I have no choice in it at all. They say its for my education but also because they cannot afford the farm... They're selling you and your mum to help pay off the debt which means we'll never see each other again. I can't loose you.... Not now... Not ever...' She looked up at me sadly. Unfortunately I was fighting back my own tears. I couldn't break down in front of her if I wanted her to survive with as little damage as possible.

'Casey, maybe this is for the best. You're education is more important than me. I'm sure we would meet again because a friendship like ours is unlikely to go away. I love you Casey, but sometimes things are out of our control.' I replied hoping she'd understand.

'You're on their side too? Caspian. It was me and you against the world.... ' Her eyes filled with hurt and pain.

'Casey, please....'

'I thought you loved me!'

'Casey, I love you with everything I can! The fact I'm telling you to leave is ripping me apart. I have to think of you and not myself.... Otherwise I would beg you to stay.' The tears rolled down my face. She then saw the true pain I was feeling.

'Oh Casp, I'm so sorry.... Don't cry.... Baby please. Oh shucks... What have I done.' She wiped my cheeks and kissed me gently. I hungrily returned the kiss and didn't stop till not breathing was not an option.

'This is how I see it. We have limited time left together and we should make the most of it before you go to high school. I'm going to treat you the best I can while I still have you. Is that OK?' I asked.

'Yes, that is fine my pretty pony.' She giggled. We lay under our tree for all if the day and came back after we realised that staying out all night was a bad idea. But we watched the sun set and the stars burst from the ebony sky.

'But Casey.... I'm sure we'll meet again.'

Ride Me, CaseyWhere stories live. Discover now