〖Chapter 6〗

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❝ Jimmy's POV ❞

"Suck it up, J-Jimmy. You n-need to focus on the oly-olymp-olympics!" I yelled at myself in the mirror. I was starting to tear up. I still liked Craig and I thought maybe I could've gotten him back.


I jumped, not expecting anyone to be there. "Oh, h-hi Timmy," I choked out.

"Timmy Timmy Timmy?"

"It's nothing T-Tim... I'm fine," I sighed, going over to the other to change out of my towel.


"Fine, it's just that... Well, o-over that br-break, me and Craig started dating."


"Yeah it was great. Until I messed it all up and accused him with ch-cheating," I sighed again, letting the tears fall from my eyes.

"Timmy Timmy Jimmy?"

"Thanks Tim-Tim, but that doesn't make me feel better. I just wish I had someone else who liked me. Craig was the first one and probably the only one."

"Timmy Jimmy!"

"Wh-what, Really? Who?"


"Y-you? Well, Tim... I ha-happen to really like you too," I replied, leaning down to kiss him on the cheek.


❝ Craig's POV ❞

"Craig, can we come in?" I heard my mom call from the other side of the door. I really didn't feel like talking to anyone, but nonetheless they barged right in.

"I guess you can," I muttered, flopping back down into my laying position.

"Me and your mother think you and Tweek might uh... be gay for each other," my dad awkwardly announced and I face palmed.

"Dad, I'm not gay," I lied. I wasn't quite sure, really. I mean I liked Jimmy but maybe it was my mind pitying him.

"It's okay if you are, Craig. We just don't think you should be going out with Tweek..." she looked down at the floor, messing with the ring that had been on her finger since the marriage.

"What? Why the fuck not?" I spat at them, not understanding what was so bad about Tweek Tweak.

"It's just... He's a little.. Mentally insane?" my mom questioned every word she said, hoping not to set me off. But I was already gone.

"I'll go out with whoever I want to!" I yelled, sitting up. I had no idea where I was going but I was planning on visiting the Tweak residence.

"Honey, we don't want you to get hurt," my mom's sweet caring voice rang through my head. But I was content with my decision and I was going whether either of them liked it or not.


I hadn't really planned what I was going to say to the Tweak boy, but one thing was for sure; I couldn't just walk up and ask him out. I had to know if he liked me. I know what you're thinking 'Craig, it's not right to date someone to prove someone else wrong.' While that may be true, I'm going to do it anyway.

I knocked on the door. I texted him asking for his address, so I assumed he knew I was coming.

"Oh hey, Cr-Craig! Gah! I wasn't expecting company!" Nevermind...

"I.. I asked for your address." I gave him a confused look, waiting for him to invite me inside of his house.

There was a long, long awkward silence. Me rocking on my feet on his doorstep, him standing inside holding the door, twitching as always.

"Um.. Are you going to invite me in?" I asked, looking up at him after a long time of staring at my shoes.

"Gah! Yeah, c-come inside!" he jumped, scurrying out of the doorway so I could enter with no problem. Only there was a problem. Turns out I'm a bigger klutz than I thought. Why? Because I tripped over my feet. I guess you could call me lucky, though. "Ah! Craig, are you okay?!" Tweek yelled, catching me. I felt like an absolute wimp. I scurried to my feet, feeling the blood rush to my cheeks.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I answered bitterly, brushing off my clothes as if I fell in the dirt.

"Ah! Are you sure?" he looked like a sad, lost puppy. It was sickening. I'm not used to any sort of sympathy or love. I'm used to falling on my face and hearing laughter followed by me flipping everyone off and leaving. But this? This is plain weird. "Ah! Cr-Craig?" Tweek asked, backing away slightly. I realized that I hadn't answered him yet, but I had been intensely staring at him.

"Yeah, I'm fine Tweek," I quickly reply, shoving my hands in my pockets, staring down at my feet.

"Di-Did you have a reason for - ah coming?" he asked, looking down as well.

I froze. What was I meant to tell the guy? 'Oh I came to see if you liked me and maybe go on a date with me to prove my parents wrong.'?

"Oh, um... I came over because... Uh.."

"Ack! Yeah?"

"Look, long story short, no one's going to stop putting these pictures around school unless we fake date," I lied straight to his face. He looked at me, confused.

"Gah! But if we - ngh want them to stop, don't we have to.. Um.. break up?" he was smarter than I thought. This wasn't going to be easy.

"Well you see, Tweek. If you want a convincing breakup, first you have to date." That makes no logical sense to me but hopefully Tweek will at least pretend to get it.

"Ah! O-okay.. So, are we dating now?"

"Fake dating," I replied.


❝ Michala's POV

I was walking down the hall when suddenly I saw Stan and Kyle. I absolutely love them together. But Alexis... She was more jealous of their perfect relationship.

"Gosh, don't you two ever go out of style?" Alexis scoffed, looking over at the couple. They exchanged looks.

"Sorry about her," I say, pushing Alexis forward slightly hoping she'd leave the area.

"Like seriously though, why are you two so perfect?"

"Stan, what is she talking about?"

"I'm not sure, Kyle."

"Alexis, please leave. You're bad at insults, dude," I state, giving the couple a smile and forcing her along.

"I hate them," she muttered, glaring back at them.

"You hate everything," I say, just trying to get her to our usual spot without interruption.

"Not true!" she defended, continuing with a list of things she didn't hate. Besides it was probably just me, Kenny, Tweek and Butters. Maybe some food she decided she needed to list.

"Hey," Kenny smiled as we walked up. He was alone with no idea where Tweek could be. But almost as if on cue, as soon as we talked about him he showed up.

"Um.. Tweek? Why is Craig with you?" Alexis questioned.

"Ack! Oh, um.. Well.. He's my.."

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