〖Chapter 7〗

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"Boyfriend. I'm his boyfriend," Craig spat out blatantly.

"What..." Michala asked, confused.

"Well.. Gah! Actually..." Tweek started, Craig quickly jabbing his side with his elbow. "Ah! Yeah, he's my boyfriend!"

"You sure about that, Tweek?" Kenny asked, raising an eyebrow.

❝ Tweek's POV ❞

"Argh!" I twitched. I hate lying to my friends, they deserve to know the truth at least.

"Can I talk to you alone for a quick second?" Craig asked, tugging my arm over to where we've talked before.

"Ah! Yes?" I asked.

"You're allowed to tell your petty little friends only if you don't tell ANYONE else. You got that?" I nodded quickly as he went on rambling, again I was distracted by his beautiful brown eyes shining in the light. I almost wish we were real dating so I could run up to Kenny, Michala, and Alexis and tell them that I, Tweek Tweak, was dating Craig Tucker. But sadly I'm not, so I can't do that. "Now let's go tell them before you explode," Craig sighed, tugging my arm pulling me slightly towards him and out of my daydream.

"Ack! O-okay, Craig!"

We walked up, him holding my hand while I tried not to freak out and run away from my old bully/new crush.

"Are you alright, Tweek?"

"Yeah, you look a bit flushed."

"Ack! I need t-to tell you guys something... Me and - ngh Craig were only fake dating - ngh to stop all of this art," I explained, rubbing the back of my neck which soon switched to me pulling on my shirt.

"That's the st-" Kenny started, but got elbowed by Michala, followed by a glare. "Smartest... thing I've ever heard. Keep at it, Tweek." He sighed, sitting back down.

"Yeah, as long as you're okay with this..." I looked at Alexis confused.

"She means as long as Craig isn't forcing you to do it," Michala explained, staring at Craig as he held his hands up in the air.

"Ack! N-no, we agreed on this! It's a lot of pressure!" I twitched, looking around at all the drawings. They varied from innocently holding hands to literally having sex! And the school allowed it... All because it's quote-unquote culture. The bell rang, signalling for everyone to go to class. As I turned to leave, someone yanked my hand. Instinctively, I turned to hug Alexis because that's usually how it works. But it was Craig.


Sixth and seventh was the same as it always was really. Except for me and Craig getting in trouble seventh period for not completing the project.

"I guess you boys will have to complete it during this week then. I better have it done by at most Friday." She scolded us. It was after class as she made us stay longer so she could tell us about how terrible we were as students.

"Gah- W-we will Mrs. Johnson!" I confirmed, whether or not Craig was willing to or not. I picked up my bag and dashed out of the room, pulling him along with me. Finally I let go when we made it to the front of the school. As much as I enjoyed the physical contact I still wasn't used to this dating thing. FAKE dating thing. It's fake dating, Tweek. "Ah- stop being s-so stupid!" I whisper-yelled to myself subconsciously.

"What?" Craig asked, giving me a worried look. I hadn't realised I was talking aloud until he actually spoke up and when he did I was scared as to what I actually said aloud and what I didn't.

"Ack! Wha-what?" I panicked, trying to see If I could remember what I actually said out loud. If he found out that I actually liked him I'd be dead! He would tease me to no end. If I thought he bullied me before... Oh man I'd be absolutely screwed.

I let out a sigh before I realised Craig had been talking to me whilst I was yelling at myself... hopefully in my head this time.

"Are you even listening to me!?" He snapped, making me jump and scurry after him.


❝ Craig's POV ❞

It's been a week of fake dating and I think the number of yaoi pictures of me and Tweek has died down. Time for step two of the plan, the 'Breakup'.

Craig: I think it's time, Tweek.

Tweek: I dunno if I'm ready, man. What if I mess up and people find out that we were just lying!?

Craig: You can do it, you'll be fine. Tomorrow we'll break up in the school lobby, just like we did in elementary when this all happened.

Tweek: What school lobby, man.

Craig: Oh right. Right outside the school then. Tomorrow morning. See you there :]


I was standing outside and payed Eric a little extra to gather everyone for the event that was going down but make it sound believable. As if on cue Tweek showed up to where he was meant to and I 'stopped' him in order to seem more realistic.

"Hey Tweek! Hold up. Listen, it's just not going to work." I started. Hoping to get his juices flowing as to what happened last time.

"What? Why not?" He said more confidently than I thought he would

"I'm sorry Tweek, but we can't lie to ourselves anymore." Everyone turned to us as planned and started staring "Yes, we are gay, but we do not belong together." I stated.

"Didn't this happen before." Eric whispered over to the closest person to him, they just shrugged in response as another shushed him.

"We don't belong together? What suddenly changed, Craig?" It was starting to worry me because I didn't warn him about the whole making me look bad thing.

"It's just that people are different. That's all."

"Uh huh. And who the hell-ngh who the hell is Michael?! Huh?! You wanna tell me that?!"

"What? What are you, what are you talking about?" I played along.

"I swear this happened before." Eric spoke up again. Causing even more people to shush him and turn back to the main event.

"I went through your phone when we went out last night, Craig! I saw your texts to Michael about hooking up with him!"

"Not this again.." I sighed "Uh look, we both know this is for the better." I continued.

"Oh, don't use that lame shit on me, man! You don't wanna feel bad, so you're trying to tell me what I want?" Honestly it was remarkable how he remembered all this.

"Tweek, stop making me out to be the bad guy!" I whispered over at him, kind of mad he was doing this again.

"No, you're not the bad guy! You're never the bad guy, are you?! You, you just step on people and you use them!" Tweek started to actually tear up! As if this was an actual breakup!

"You're going too far again, dude. This is like, totally not necessary." I tried again. But to no avail as he continued with his drama show.

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