〖Chapter 14〗

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"Go on." Kenny urged, still sitting with the same expression. If you don't understand imagine stealing something from a kid, telling your parent and them making you give it back, that same exact face of disappointment almost asking why you started to even lie in the first place. I didn't want to lie anymore, I really didn't but Jimmy just... I still feel bad for the dude. At the same time tho it's like the middle of the year and I still haven't not lied to my friends, this isn't like me! Last year I probably annoyed them with my day to day updates on how my day went and what exactly I did, this year it seems like I'm just spitting out lies. "Well..." Kenny insisted. He wasn't going to let me stall any longer even if I wished I could just stand there in silence and they'd somehow read my mind and help me... No I don't! Then they'd be mind readers and probably kill me! Oh god what if Kenny is a mind reader and that's how he's finding out all these things! This is WAY too much pressure, man!

"Tweek!" Michala yelled, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"The bell rang, it's time to go to sixth period." Alexis added, gesturing for me to follow along with her to her classroom as I always do. I took a quick look at Kenny who was glaring at me. If looks could kill I'd be dead where I stood.

"Ah!" Was all I could muster as I ran to catch up with Alexis. She was silent the whole walk which I would've been fine with since sometimes she just doesn't talk but right now she seemed off. "Are yo- Gah! Are you okay?" I asked, giving her a quick look them looking back in front of me. She took a deep sigh before she stopped in her tracks and looked at me.

"You'd tell me if something was up, right?" Alexis asked, giving me a concerned look. A look I suddenly seemed accustom to since I can't stop lying.

"Uh.. Yeah." I replied, my voice laced with lies that somehow put her worried look at bay for a second. It wasn't long before she spoke up again with a new question.

"Do you promise." She asked, her eyes now filled with not only concern but hope as well. I panicked. I was scared to lie to this question in particular, not because I was suddenly scared of lying for once this year but because I was scared of losing my best friend.

"Tweek? What are you still doing in the hall? Get to class." My teacher ordered, stopping to make sure I actually went instead of ignoring her. A sigh of relief escaped my lips as I mumbled a quick bye to Alexis and ran off to my sixth period.

"Argh! Th-that was close." I whispered to myself.

"I'm so texting Wendy about this freak right now." Cartman whispered to himself as if he were a gossip girl. I managed to ignore him and just stare at my notebook blankly for the rest of the class.


It came to the end of the day and the time to meet Butters and Jimmy behind the gym. It wasn't yet five but I had nothing else to do today so I thought I might as well wait for them.

"O-oh you sh-sho- you show-sh-sho-" Jimmy struggled to spit out.

"Showed." Butters butted in, causing Jimmy to shoot him a glare.

"A-A-Anyways, We can get t-this over with fa-faster." Jimmy chuckled as Butters ran at me full force knocking me to the ground. I couldn't breath at this point and Butters did yet another blow to my chest. And just like that I was out like a light.


❝ Stan's POV

"C'mon Kyle." I laughed, pulling him by his wrist. Kyle laughed at this but proceeded to follow me anyways.

"Little excited are we?" He laughed, rounding the corner with me. I laughed along, turning to look at him.

"Always." I added with a wink.

"Dude, Oh my god." Kyle stopped dead in his tracks and with him being stronger than me, stopped me too.

"Did they kill Kenny?" I laughed, turning to see what he was looking at. I dropped Kyle's wrist in shock and horror. What was before us was absolutely terrifying. "Quick Kyle, dial nine one one!" I yelled, rushing over to a knocked out, bleeding Tweek. I wasn't even sure if he was alive at this point but we couldn't just let him lay there.

"Yes officer? We have a injured person behind the gym of South Park High." Kyle panicked through the phone. "Okay." He replied to whoever was on the other line and hung up.

"A injured person?" I laughed a little, quickly going back to a serious face.

"What was I supposed to say!? I've never had to call nine one one before." He answered, walking over to where I was next to Tweek. I didn't really know how to tell if he was alive. I mean they're always like 'Check the pulse.' But I never really learned how to do that in P.E., I was the kid who awkwardly pretended that I knew what I was doing then wrote down some fake number that I hoped was good enough. "Dude, what do we do until they get here..." Kyle spoke up, sitting on the ground next to a possible dead body.

"I don't know, I've never been in this situation." I answered finally hearing sirens in the distance. "Finally.." I whispered moving off to the side with Kyle so the Ambulance had a clear path to help out Tweek. I blankly stared at his body as they carried him away. No words of reassurance were spoken to us, we didn't get to hear if we helped save his life or helped get a dead body off campus. We were left clueless behind the gym where we sat not really knowing what to do next.

"Should we go visit him the hospital?" Kyle suggested, getting up and leaving. Not really giving me a choice.

"Sure, I guess." I whispered, rolling my eyes but jogging after my boyfriend anyways.

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