Chapter Two

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After Niall left I walked back up stairs and decide to change back into my pajamas, I crawl back to bed. I know I shouldn’t have gotten out this morning but I was hoping that I would be able to keep my mind off Liam and maybe go out with friends but after that talk with Niall I realized that wasn’t going to happen. The soft comforter covers half my body as I turn facing the empty space next to me where Liam always slept. He was so persnickety when it came to which side of the bed he slept on, it always had to be the left side so I had no choice but to sleep on the right. His body was always turned facing me and he would pull me close to him so that my back was against his chest and he would wrap his arms around me tight. But ever since he got deployed I slept on his side of the bed, I closed my eyes remembering the first time me and Liam met.


“I need a two chicken wraps to go!” the head cook called out, working as a waiter at a café wasn’t how I wanted to spend my time after school but I was lucky enough to have a job thanks to my brother Zayn. I was in the midst of taking an order from a table with two impatient children when the bell on top of the entrance door rang. In walked in a group of boys, I watched them as they made their way to a table in the far back near the window, table 9. “Go take table’s 9 orders and I’ll take this table” my co-worker Linda told me, “I…I, okay” I stuttered as I made my way down to table 9. “Hello I’m Emma and I’ll be your waiter, may I take your order” I said politely, my voice came out shakier then what I expected. “I’ll take a turkey BLT with a coke” one the boys answered, he was wearing a tight, short sleeved purple shirt  that hugged his body nicely exposing his well-built chest and muscular arms with a pair of jeans that hung low enough that his black boxers were peaking out, he was gorgeous and obviously older than me.  I took out my notepad scribbling his order and the rest of the orders then repeated them to make sure they were right before walking back to the counter to hand the orders in.

I returned a few minutes later with their food and asked if they needed anything when they shook their heads no I went to take order from other tables and allow them time to eat. “EMMA!” a voice called out, it took me a few seconds before I realized it as the boy from table 9. I walked over a little confused why he called out my name instead of waiter like other people usually do. “Yes?” I asked once I reached their table “we want the check” one them said rudely “dude what the fuck” the one in purple said punching him on the arm. “Could we please have the check” he told me nicely, I smiled and nodded and handed them their check. They paid and got up to leave “I’m sorry my friend was so rude he can be a dick when he’s in a bad mood” he apologized “its fine it happens all the time, no worries” I answer him with a slight smile, he handed me the check the small folder that contained their money to pay and his fingers gently brushed against mine sending what seemed like a bolt of electricity throughout my body. “I’m Liam” he gave me a warm smile that seemed to light up the whole café even more. “I left you something with the receipt” he told me as he walked away. I figured it was a two dollar tip to even further apologize for his friend’s rude gesture but when I opened the small folder I couldn’t help but giggle at the piece of paper that had his number and the words text me scribbled on it.

When my shift ended I walked out of the café to find Liam still there leaning against what I assumed was his car. He looked so incredibly good but what is he still doing here? I thought to myself. I chose to ignore him as I took out my cell phone and scrolled down the list of contacts in attempt to find my brother’s. Zayn, the name popped up in the contact list at the very end and I was about to press the call button when I felt someone behind me, with a quick spin I noticed Liam standing a few feet behind me. “You are gonna text me right?” his voice was a bit raspy sending again the rush of electricity through my body. “Umm I..I don’t know” I answered him honestly, he walked towards me “Well I hope to receive a text today” he stated “how about you text me right now so I get your number, I was blinded by what was going on but I found myself dialing his number into the spot next to the to: and then quickly typing Hi before sending it. Almost immediately his phone rung and he took it out, I watched as he seemed to save the number to his contact, “Talk to you soon” he said with a grin before walking back to his car and driving away.

Dumbfounded by what had just happened I dialed my brothers number, “Zayn I’m out of work come get me” I spoke as soon as he answered. Moments later Zayn arrived and we drove back home. I set out to do my homework, in the middle of finishing the last algebra problem my phone buzzed against my dresser. The words “hello love” flashed across the screen, I couldn’t help but to feel butterflies in my stomach as I unlocked my phone typing in the same pass code as always, 2563 and replying with a simple hello. That day we stayed up texting late and it was the same day we realized that we attended the same High school. He didn’t seem to mind that I was a year younger then him, after a few months of talking and hanging out after school on the days I had off from work he asked me to be his girlfriend and I didn’t hesitate to say yes, since then we have been together.


I had fallen asleep for at least 4 hours, when I opened my eyes they burned from all the crying. My stomach growled loudly under the comforter but I ignored it, I reached over for my phone, immediately I saw missed calls from both Niall and Zayn both checking up on me. I deleted the alerts, as I walked downstairs I dialed the pizza hut number and ordered a pizza, might as well eat. As I neared the end of the stairs I heard the faint sound of the tv, had I left it on? No I hadn’t even turned it on. My heart began to race, who could it possibly be, I entered the living room, the tv displayed an episode of criminal minds, on the pastel colored couch sat a person, it can’t be, it not him was it? My heart was racing and I felt as if it was about to rip out of my chest as I neared the couch, “oh you’re up” the voice said. My heart stopped.

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