Chapter Seven

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“LIAM GET UP WE HAVE TO GO” Louis yelled

“What’s going on?” Everyone was running around in panic as I rose from my dreadful sleep. I had no idea what was happening.

“We’re being attacked soldier! We have to go now!”

“Wait what” I didn’t have time to process everything as I was pulled out of my bed by Louis and yelled at to hurry up. I quickly grabbed the small box that lay beside my bunk and the gun that followed it. The sound of screams and gunshot after gunshot filled my ears as I followed Louis out of the base, he pushed me to the jeep and told me to go before he ran away to help.

Just as I was about to get in the car the sound of jets thundered in the sky, a bomb was dropped a few miles from the base sending the field nearby into flames. I stood frozen, unable to move, everything was falling down, soldiers were being shot here and there, and bomb after bomb fell from the sky.

“Liam watch out!” Louis called, just then the jeep was sent into pieces sending the impact my way.

I crashed to the ground hard a few feet away

“Is he alive?” I head them ask, of course I was alive couldn’t they see

“He has no pulse” what?

“What are you saying, I have a pulse I’m alive” Wasn’t I?

“Looks like he didn’t make the impact, he’s gone soldier”

“Gone?” I questioned “I’m not dead!” I was talking to them but they didn’t seem to be able to hear me, I was looking at them, what was going on.

“Damn it! I told him to go! Fuck!” Louis yelled, his voice was harsh but cracked at the end the sound of something breaking followed his voice. He had thrown something.

“Louis we have to go” the voice was from the sergeant

“We can’t just leave him here”

“We have to, we need to go now”

They were talking over me as if I really was dead, I tried to talk or move but my body no longer responded. The sound of footsteps was all I heard until it was all silent.

*Emma’s POV*

“I love you Emma” Liam whispers into my ear, he held me tight in his arms kissing my neck. The grass around us creating a soft cushion as he lays back with me still in his arms. He rolls over so that his body is on mine, our chest pressed against one another’s, “I love you more” I say as I wrap my arms around his neck. The sun is bright as we lay there in the meadow where we use to be spend most of time during the summer. He smiles as he places a quick kiss on the tip of my nose causing me to let out a small giggle. “I love the way you giggle, I love the way you look when you’re angry, I love the way you say you love me, I love the way you wrap your arms around my neck, I love the way you get on your tippy toes to kiss me” he says pushing a lock of my hair off my face before continuing his list of things he loves about me. “I love the way you sip your coffee in the morning, I love the way you look in my clothes, I love the way you moan my name” he states “Liam James Payne” I shriek, I know my face is a shade of red now, he laughs before snuggling his head in the crock of my neck.

“You know what I love about you?” I ask

“Hmm” he hums

“Nothing” I joke

“Is that so?” his face is now just a few inches away from mine

“Yes, I don’t love you” I continue to joke

He swipes his tongue across his bottom lip as I bite mine, “Okay then” he states as he begins to tickle me sending me into giggling frenzy.

“Liam stop!” I yell in between laughs

“Say you love me” he demands

“No” I fire back continuing to laugh

“Say it” he laughs

“Fine I love you” I scream in defeat, the tickling seizes as he places his lips on mine. Our tongues intertwine as the kiss becomes more passionate. Just then the sound of gunshots is heard and fright overtakes Liam’s gentle face. He gets up, a spot of red appears on his chest “Liam” I scream scurrying towards him placing my hand on his wound. Blood covers my hand as my dreams goes black.

*Ding dong* was I dreaming again or was that my actual doorbell, I opened my eyes allowing them to adjust to the bright sunlight coming in from the cracks in the curtains that draped the window. The nightmare of Liam still fresh on my mind as I roll over to check the clock, it was 10am. My head begins to replay the dream over and over, I shake it off and try to remember what happened yesterday. “Fuck” I mentally curse myself remembering someone is at the door, I remembered the sound of the doorbell ringing before I opened my eyes. I got out of bed and walked down stairs, not even caring how I looked.

I grasped the doorknob and twisted it, opening the door. My worst nightmare instantly became reality there he was the man in uniform with the flag in his hands. I froze, my breathing becoming heavy, my sight blurred by the tears that stung my eyes and fell down my cheek. Unable to control myself I collapse to floor, sobbing. The man speaks “I’m so sorry to inform you about the loss of our fellow soldier and loved one Liam James Payne,” his words hit me like a train, shattering my heart into a million pieces. This can’t be happening, it has to be another nightmare, this isn’t real I try to convince myself but it’s all too real. My face is stained with tears that continue to escape my eyes as the man helps me up, handing me the flag and a fair sized box. “I’m so sorry about your loss, he loved you very much” he almost whispers, he turns to walk away leaving me alone to fall apart. I close the door, my back against it, slowly I find myself on the ground once again unable to regulate my breathing. “Liam” I say in between sobs, I’m shaking as the box lays in my lap along with the flag, with every last bit of energy I have I open it.  

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2013 ⏰

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